After configuring the OpenEdge Adapter workstep, you must define the mapping of your process dataslots (source and target) to the parameters in the selected OpenEdge file. The Dataslot Mapping dialog box (Figure 127) displays the parameters depending on the input file selected in the OpenEdge Adapter Configurator dialog box (Figure 126).
Figure 127. OpenEdge Adapter Dataslot Mapping
To define the dataslot mapping for an OpenEdge adapter:
1. After adding and configuring the OpenEdge adapter workstep, double-click the workstep to open its Properties view.
2. From the Configuration tab, click Change mapping to open the Dataslot Mapping dialog box, as shown in (left image, Figure 127).
3. In the Source drop-down list in the Type Mapping tab, select the dataslot you want to associate with the parameter listed in the Parameter column. The value of this parameter is set from the value of the dataslot selected as the source.
4. In the Target drop-down list in the Type Mapping tab, select the dataslot you want to associate with the parameter listed in the Parameter column. The value of this parameter is stored in the dataslot selected as the target.
5. The Advanced tab (right image, Figure 127) is available only if you select the Session-managed option for session model in the OpenEdge Adapter Configurator dialog box. You can use this tab to specify dataslot values for AppServer parameters, namely, Username, Password, AppServer Info, and Return Value, which are used to connect to the AppServer.
a. In the Source drop-down list in the Advanced tab, select the dataslots you want to associate with the Username, Password, and AppServer Info parameters.
b. In the Target drop-down list in the Advanced tab, select the dataslot you want to associate with the Return Value parameter.
At runtime, the value of the dataslot that you specify in Advanced tab replaces the character string value that you specify for the corresponding field in the OpenEdge adapter configuration dialog box.
6. Click OK to complete the dataslot mapping for the OpenEdge adapter workstep.