You can use the DBAdapter Configurator dialog box (Figure 80) to add, modify, and remove SQL statements. While defining or editing SQL statements, you can specify the database connection details.
To define database connection:
1. To create an SQL statement, click Add to open the SQL Statement dialog box. To modify an existing SQL statement, select an SQL statement and click Modify.
The SQL Statement dialog box provides four tabs: Connection, SQL Statement, Input Parameters, and Output Parameters. Initially, only the Connection tab is enabled.
2. Enter the SQL Statement Name.
3. To define Database Parameters, click Choose a Database to open the Database Definitions dialog box that lists available databases, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 81. Database Adapter Configurator - Database Definitions list
You can add, modify, and remove Database definitions.
4. To define a database definition, click Add to open the Database Parameters dialog box. To modify an existing database definition, select a Database name and click Modify.
b. Select a database type from the Database Type drop-down list. Supported Database types include OpenEdge.
c. Enter the Login User name and Password.
d. Select the Database type to populate data in the JNDI Name field and in the Driver and URL fields in the Non-J2EE Datasource parameters panel. You need to modify this data with the proper database information.
e. Click OK to return to the Database Definitions dialog box. The added database definition now displays in the definition list.
5. Select a database and click OK to return to the SQL Statement dialog box.
6. Click Connect to connect to the selected database.
The Status panel displays whether the connection is successful. If it is successful, the message "Successfully connected to database: <database_name> appears in the Status panel. The SQL Statement tab is also enabled so you can specify the SQL statement.