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Managed Adapters Guide
Understanding the Managed Adapter framework : Using the Adapter Configurator and Map Configurator : Deploying maps using MapDeployer : Troubleshooting map deployment
Troubleshooting map deployment
The MapTool, a command-line tool for manipulating the repository, can check if a map is deployed properly and enables you to perform other operations on the database map repository. If you invoke MapTool.{sh|bat} with no command-line arguments, it displays the following list of available options and commands:
Usage: MapTool { context } { commands }
Context is specified as a set of following options:
    -pt ### - specify process template name
    -pwa ### - specify private webapp name
    -ws ### - specify workstep name
    -t ### - specify process type
    -d ### - specify process template directory
    -clear - clears the context
Valid commands are:
    deploy - deploy a map
    deployAll - deploy all maps in a process
    undeploy - undeploy a map
    undeployAll - undeploy all maps in a process
    isDeployed - check if the given map is deployed
    show - show a content of a deployed map
    showLocal - show a content of a local (not deployed) map
The argument list may seem complex at first sight, but actually MapTool is quite simple to use. You can manipulate maps using any of the commands listed under the "Valid commands" section. Commands are executed in the order they are given. Before a command is given though, you must state the appropriate "context", uniquely identifying the map or maps the command should operate on.
For example, consider that you want to use MapTool to show the content of a deployed map for a workstep named "WS1" of a process called "MyProcess". The command to show the content of the already deployed map would be "show", as listed in the MapTool help message. To uniquely identify the map by process and workstep name, use the following command:
MapTool –pt MyProcess –ws WS1 show
The first four parameters, "–pt MyProcess –ws WS1", set the context required for the command that follows: "show".
You can issue a number of commands at the same time, each one preceded by a change in the context. For example, if you want to see not only the map for the workstep "WS1", but also the map for another workstep–"WS2",–you can combine both commands as follows:
MapTool –pt MyProcess –ws WS1 show –ws WS2 show
As previously stated, the MapTool processes the arguments one by one, in the order they are given on the command line. The "–pt MyProcess –ws WS1" options set the context for the first "show" command. After the "show" command is executed, MapTool continues processing the rest of the arguments. The next two arguments, "–ws WS2", change the workstep name, while the rest of the context (the process name) is preserved, thus providing for the execution of the second "show" command.
You can may also execute several commands in the same context, as shown in the following example:
MapTool –pt MyProcess –ws WS1 deploy show
In this case, you instruct MapTool to deploy a map, and immediately after this to verify that it has been properly deployed.