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BPM Events User's Guide
The rule language : Predefined rule actions : postJMS(): Posting an event into a JMS queue

postJMS(): Posting an event into a JMS queue

Use the postJMS() predefined rule action to post events from BPM Events into a JMS queue. Post and create XML messages as follows:
fun create_jms_event(a: string, b: string, c: string): XML {
    val xml = getXML(a, b, c);
    val type_id = "%XML<\"purchaseOrder\",\"\">";
    return createJMSEvent(xml, type_id, map{"a":"z", "b":"1111"});
}postJMS("queue", "BPEventQueue", create_jms_event("1223.25", "150.00", "NY"));
The postJMS predefined rule action takes a list of events as parameters, so several events can be posted in the same action call.
postJMS("queue", "queueName", msg1, msg2, ..., msgN);