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BPM Events User's Guide
The rule language : Predefined rule actions : Discarding infopads and events : discard(): removing infopads
discard(): removing infopads
When an application (or a rule module) is unloaded, we recommend discarding all its infopads, unless these infopads are shared and still used by other applications. If the application infopads requires archiving (that is, their database image), then complete this before unloading. Discarding infopads is usually done from the finalize{} section:
finalize {
discard(myinfopad2, myinfopad3);
The discard() call can take a variable number of arguments. Both the memory and the database images are discarded.
Note: If an application or rule module is unloaded without discarding its infopads, then the database image of these infopads is still present. If the application (or module) is reloaded, then the execution of the infopad creation statements, in its initialize{} section, automatically destroys the previous versions of the infopads and recreate them.