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BPM Events User's Guide
Using the purchase order rule wizard : Applying the purchase order template

Applying the purchase order template

After applying the purchase order template, you compile it, using the rule compiler, and load, using BPM Events Admin, to complete preparation of the template. Refer to Administering and operating BPM Events for instructions on compiling and loading rules. The template is then ready to use.
To apply the Purchaser Order rules, complete the following steps:
1. Open the template by running the following commands:
rulewizard -t <%bpmevents_home%>\templates\PurchaseOrder.rtu
The Rule Wizard for the Purchase Order template is launched, displaying the Description page, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 4. Purchase order template, description page
2. Read through the description and click Next to continue. Click Cancel, at any time in the Rule Wizard, to exit the Wizard. Click Help, at any time in the Rule Wizard, to open a relevant Help file.
3. In the Application name page, enter a name for the purchase order program in the field, as shown in the following figure. Click Next to continue.
Figure 5. Purchase order template, application name page
4. Answer the questions according to your requirements shown in Figure 5 regarding:
*Keeping track of the number of purchase orders issued each month for each state.
*Calculating the number of purchase orders by state based on the shipping or billing address.
*Select both options above, in which case two reports are generated—one for the billing state and one for the shipping state.
Click Next to continue.
Figure 6. Purchase order template, answering the questions
5. Answer the next question in the next page regarding knowing the average price of a purchase order, as shown in the following figure. Click Next to continue.
Figure 7. Purchase order template, answering the questions
6. The next page (see Figure 7) enables you to trigger an e-mail to inform you of the total price of a purchase order if it reaches a certain limit. Click Next to continue.
Important: In the Price Limit field, input the numbers to include the decimal point. For example, for a purchase order limit of $10,000, enter 10000.00.
Figure 8. Purchase order template, triggering an e-mail
7. The next page asks you whether you would like a monthly summary report sent via e-mail of purchase order activity, as shown in the following figure. Click Next to continue.
Figure 9. Purchase order template, triggering a monthly report e-mail
8. The Summary page (see the following figure) presents a summary of the purchase order rules that monitor the process. Read through the text to ensure that the rules are correct. Click Back to return to the previous pages if you need to modify the rules. Click Next if the rules are acceptable.
Figure 10. Purchase order template, summary page
9. The Save Rule File As page displays the name of the rule file you created. Click Browse () to browse through files to save the rule file to a different location.
Figure 11. Purchase order template, save rule file as page
10. Click Finish if the file name and path is correct.
The rule file is now generated.