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Customization Guide
Localizing Business Process Server : Localizing dashboard widget title and description

Localizing dashboard widget title and description

To localize dashboard widget title and description:
1. Open the OEBPS_HOME\conf\properties\bpmportaldashboard_<locale>.properties file in a text editor, where <locale> is the target locale for localization.
2. Add the localized values for the title and description for the dashboard widget you want to localize in the properties file. The format for the key in the properties file is <widget title>.title for the widget title and <widget title>.desc for widget description, where <widget title> is the title you entered while adding the widget to the dashboard. While rendering the widget in the dashboard, Business Process Portal uses the localized value entered for title and desciption in the properties. If localized values are not present in the properties file, then Business Process Portal displays the user entered values. For example, if you enter "mywidget1" as title in the Add Component dialog box while adding the widget to the dashboard, then you need to add the following entries in the bpmportaldashboard_<locale>.properties file.
mywidget1.title=My Sample Widget
mywidget1.desc=Sample Widget
3. Save the file. Refresh Business Process Portal as explained in the Refreshinglocalized data to reflect your updated data.