The fully qualified name of the adapter class. This is the class that will be invoked by OpenEdge Business Process Server at run time.
The fully qualified name of the adapter configurator GUI class (if the adapter has a configurator). This class is invoked by Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge, when the adapter is configured. In our case, the adapter-configurator parameter is empty, meaning that, at least at this stage, we will not have an adapter configurator GUI, but will use a static configuration file.
The fully qualified name of the map configurator GUI class. This class is provided by OpenEdge Business Process Server. We recommend always using the GroupMapConfigurator.
The fully qualified name of the run-time mapper class. This class is provided by OpenEdge Business Process Server. Although custom mappers can be developed, we recommend using the GroupMapper when possible.
AdapterCategory, AdapterName
These two parameters specify the adapter category and name. The values must match the directory structure where the file is located.
The current log-level. Higher numbers mean more detailed logging. For debugging purposes set this to 10; later, when the adapter is tested, the log-level could be changed to 1 (ERROR), or 2 (WARNING).