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Customization Guide
Localizing Business Process Server : Configuring dashboard widget height

Configuring dashboard widget height

You can specify the widget height while deploying it. You can change this widget height for a specific dashboard later after adding it to that dashboard. Business Process Server uses the text entered in the title field in the Add Component dialog box as a part of the key to look up the dashboard specific widget height in the bpmportaldashboard_<locale>.properties file.
Note: While rendering the widget in the dashboard, Business Process Server uses the title of the widget to lookup the height value specified for this dashboard widget. If it does not find height value, it uses the widget height specified while deploying the widget.
To change the dashboard widget height:
1. Open the OEBPS_HOME\conf\properties\bpmportaldashboard_<locale>.properties file in a text editor, where <locale> is the target locale for localization.
2. Add a parameter in the <title>.height format, where <title> the text entered in the title field at the time of adding the widget to the dashboard.
3. Set this parameter to a value specifying the widget height in pixels. For example, if you want to specify height as 400 pixels for a widget with title ‘myTasks’, then add the following entry in the bpmportaldashboard_<locale>.properties file.
Note: If you want to specify a different height for the widget in a different dashboard, you need to specify a different title for the widget for that dashboard to uniquely identify the widget height from the properties file.
4. Save the file. Refresh Business Process Portal as explained in the Refreshinglocalized data to reflect your updated data.