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BP Server Developer's Guide
Process template versioning : Versioning and APIs

Versioning and APIs

BP Server provides object-oriented APIs to support the creation, installation, and management of new versions for a process template.

Application versioning

With application versioning, there are no compatibility issues with applications from previous Business Process Server installations. To take advantage of application versioning, customized portals work with the BP Server API to retrieve all active applications in the BP Server. BP Server API and BP Server Admin support the creation and installation of new versions of an application.
In application versioning, two versions of an application are installed using two different process templates, using AppName to link the various versions of the same application installed with different process templates.
When the first version of an application is installed, AppName is set to the process template name by default. Subsequent application versions require installation with the API:
*createAndInstallProcessTemplateVersion(String session, String xmlFileName, String parentPTName)
When the new version is published installing this API, it deprecates the parent process template and sets the AppName of the new template to that of its parent. We recommend not changing the AppName while using the API createAndInstallProcessTemplateVersion to install different versions.
The Table 6 provides a summary of the BP Server APIs for application versioning.
Table 6. BP Server APIs for application versioning
API name
Creates and installs a given process template.
Returns the AppName for a given process template.
Returns a list of all authorized process templates for the specified user in a hashtable.
Returns all related installed versions of an application for the specified AppName. This API assumes that all versions of the same application use the same AppName.