Workstep performer
If invalid, then ...
Original task performer
Business Process Server checks the validity of a default performer, defined in Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge. For more information, refer to the OpenEdge Getting Started: Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio. If the default performer is a valid user, then the task is assigned (or made available) to that user.
Default Performer (Manager)
Business Process Server checks the validity of a back-up performer, which could be a single user or a user group, specified in the Process Properties dialog box in Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge. For information on specifying the back-up performer, refer to the "Defining Process Properties" section of the OpenEdge Getting Started: Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio. If the back-up performer is a valid user, then the task is assigned (or made available) to that user.
Back-up Performer
The workstep is suspended. Any user with managerial privileges can then resume the workstep.