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BP Server Developer's Guide
Process template management : Retrieving process templates

Retrieving process templates

BP Server provides the following APIs in the BP Server to retrieve the ProcessTemplate objects. This API returns all the ProcessTemplate objects of a given session.
*public ProcessTemplateList getProcessTemplateList (Session session)
BP Server also provides more APIs for the ProcessTemplate retrieval. You can use this API to get the list of all the ProcessTemplates. The list obtained can be iterated to get the individual ProcessTemplate object.
*public ProcessTemplate getProcessTemplate (Session session, long ptID)
You can get a specific ProcessTemplate corresponding to the process template ID provided as an input parameter.
*public ProcessTemplate getProcessTemplate (Session session, String ptName)
Every ProcessTemplate has a name, which you can provide as an input parameter to retrieve the specific process template.
*public ProcessTemplateList getActivatedProcessTemplateList(Session session)
A ProcessTemplate can be in different states such as activated or suspended. This API helps to get the list of all activated process templates.
*public ProcessTemplateList getSuspendedProcessTemplateList(Session session)
A ProcessTemplate can be suspended due to some reason, or it can even be suspended internally (deprecated) because of versioning. This API returns the list of all suspended ProcessTemplate SVOs.
*public ProcessTemplateList getUserProcessTemplateList(Session session)
This API returns a collection of the ProcessTemplate SVOs for the current session. The user information is retrieved internally from the Session object provided as an input parameter.
*public ProcessTemplateList getUserAuthorizedProcessTemplateList(Session session)
You can retrieve the list of all the user authorized ProcessTemplate SVOs by invoking this API. The user information is retrieved internally from the Session object provided as an input parameter.