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BP Server Developer's Guide
Dataslot management : Working with different types of dataslots : Document dataslots : Retrieving documents
Retrieving documents
*public com.savvion.sbm.dms.svo.Document getDocumentById(java.lang.String docId)
You can get the Document with the specified document id.
*public com.savvion.sbm.dms.svo.Document getDocumentByName(java.lang.String docName)
You can get the Document with the specified name.
*public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getDocumentNames()
You can get the list of document names in the document dataslot.
*public java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,com.savvion.sbm.dms.svo.Document> getDocuments(java.lang.String[] docNames)
You can get the List with the name specified in the docNames array.
*public java.util.List<com.savvion.sbm.dms.svo.Document> getList()
You can get the List of documents for the document dataslot.
*public java.util.List<com.savvion.sbm.dms.svo.Document> getList(java.lang.String creator)
You can get the list of documents belonging to the specified creator.