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BP Server Developer's Guide
Working with Monitoring process : External event operations : Process instance creation

Process instance creation

An external CREATE_INSTANCE event triggers process instance creation in Business Process Server. This event must contain the External Instance Id (EIId) value. Business Process Server validates the EIId value for uniqueness. Refer to Externalevent operations.Business Process Server reads the following data from this event associated with the instance.
*External Instance Id — This event must contain the EIId value. This value is validated for uniqueness and is assigned to the EIId dataslot in the Monitoring page in the Properties page of the monitoring process.
*Start time — If the external CREATE_INSTANCE event contains start time, then that start time is used; otherwise the external event create time is used as the start time. This start time is used as the instance creation time.
*Creator — The external CREATE_INSTANCE event may contain the value for performer. This performer value is used as the creator of the process instance. This performer must not be a valid Business Process Server user. If the external event does not contain a performer, then the Business Process Server user specified during Business Process Server installation is considered as the creator.
*Dataslots — Dataslots received from the external event, which are supported and are defined in the target process, can be passed with the external CREATE_INSTANCE event, and BP Server processes those dataslots. Invalid dataslots contained in the event are ignored. For more details about the supported dataslots, refer to Dataslot update.
* Process instance creation for non-monitoring external process