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Business calendar : Business calendar tags : Non-working time tags : Fixed holidays
Fixed holidays
A business calendar for any year always includes a number of fixed holidays. They could be date-specific holidays, such as the New Year Day on January 1, or the Independence Day on July 4. These holidays are specified with the attributes month and day.


An example of the date-specific holiday is shown below:
    <holiday name="New Year Day" month="Jan" day="01"/>
    <holiday name="Independence Day" month="Jul" day="4"/>
    <holiday name="Christmas Eve" month="Dec" day="24"/>
    <holiday name="Christmas" month="Dec" day="25"/>
Some fixed holidays are day-of-the-week-specific, such as the Thanksgiving Day falling on the fourth Thursday of November. The date varies depending on the year, and hence these holidays are specified with the attributes month, dow and occurrence.
An example of the day-of-the-week-specific holiday is shown below:
    <holiday name="Thanksgiving Day" month="Nov" dow="Thu"
Note that in this case, the attribute occurrence has valid values - first, second, third, fourth, fifth, last. The value "fifth" refers to the fifth occurrence in the month, if any. If you select "last", then the last occurrence in the month is considered — it could be the fourth occurrence or the fifth. The value "all" is not valid for the fixed holidays. You can compare it with the attribute occurrence in the case of Weekends.
Note: Some fixed holidays can be half-day holidays. Refer to Half-day holidays.