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BP Server Developer's Guide
JMS based event publisher : Event reader

Event reader

The event reader reads all the events from the database periodically, and passes them to all the sender classes specified in the configuration file, by invoking the publish() method. The event reader logic is shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21. Event reader
The property file bpserver.conf in OEBPS_HOME\conf defines the properties explained in Table 18 to control the EventReader.
Table 18. Event reader properties
Property name
Default values
Number of events to read in a single database access.
Number of events to process and publish in a single database transaction.
Sleep time between each database access
10000 ms
Comma separated list of fully qualified sender classes. By default, JMSSender class is specified.
com.savvion.sbm.event publisher.sender.JMSSender
Optionally, advanced users can add the properties explained in Table 19 to the bpserver.conf in OEBPS_HOME\conf file. Note that these properties must be explicitly specified.
Table 19. EventReader optional properties
Property name
Valid values
By default an object of com.savvion.sbm.util.CommonEvent is sent to the EventChannels defined. If required, the user can configure the EventPublisher to send only the context (Map) of the CommonEvent to the EventChannels defined.
1 (for CommonEvent)
2 (for Event Context inMap)
When this property is defined with a valid value, then upon startup EventPublisher reads all events with event ID value greater than the specified value.
The value could be any non-zero positive number.