BP Server e-mail reader reads only BP Server e-mails and leaves all other unknown e-mails in the INBOX intact. This is possible by reading e-mails whose subject contain a specific keyword like "BP Server". Java Mail API supports a feature to define search criteria to download e-mails that satisfy the given conditions.
Subject pattern for e-mails
The default subject pattern to download only Business Process Server e-mails is specified as bpserver#. This means, the e-mail reader reads all e-mails whose subject begins with oebps#. User can modify this default pattern to some other value using the following property:
However, please note that this pattern must not contain any spaces. If the user prefers no prefix for the custom messages, then user may remove this default value from the property file. This approach may prove dangerous if the user specifies his personal e-mail id for inbox polling, because all non-BP Server e-mails are deleted from the folder as there is no prefix to identify valid BP Server e-mails.