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BP Server Developer's Guide
Smart value objects : Collection SVOs

Collection SVOs

The structure of Collection SVOs is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Collection SVO class diagram
The class structure is described below:
*BLCollection — This abstract class is the super class of all Collection SVOs and provides the common framework.
*ProcessTemplateList — This class provides methods for performing on list of ProcessTemplate SVOs.
*ProcessInstanceList — This SVO maintains a list of ProcessInstance objects.
*WorkStepInstanceList — This SVO maintains a list of WorkStepInstance objects. For more information, see WorkstepInstance Management.
*WorkItemList — This SVO maintains a list of WorkItem objects.For more information, see Work item management.
*DataSlotList — This SVO maintains a list of DataSlot objects. For more information, see Dataslotmanagement.