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BP Server Developer's Guide
Using the BP Server admin utility : BP Server admin commands

BP Server admin commands

For BP Server administration, you require only a few of the commands to complete several common administrative tasks, as listed in Table 21. These commands work at various levels including the process, process template, and process instance.
Note: You must publish and/or refresh a BP Server application for the first time using Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge or AppDeployer tool. Subsequently, you can perform these operations using BP Server admin utility. The commands are not case-sensitive.

BP Server admin commands list

Table 21. BP Server admin commands
To. . .
Use these commands. . .
Activate and create a process instance from a specified XML file.
activate <xmlFile>
Reload the cache when a group is added in or removed from a group in the LDAP realm.
addOrRemoveGroupChildInCache <parentGroupName> <childGroupName>
Note: In the LDAP realm, execute this command before adding a group to a group or removing a group from a group.
Reload the cache when a user is added to or removed from a group in the LDAP realm.
addOrRemoveUserChildInCache <parentGroupName> <childUserName>
Note: In the LDAP realm, execute this command before adding a user to a group or removing a user from a group.
Add a new work item to the specified process instance for a specified workstep.
addWorkItem <piName> <wsName> <wiPerformer>
Assign a work item to a performer.
assignWi <wiId>
Assign a work item to a performer.
assign <wiNo|wiName> <performer>
Clear alert cache for the process template if a process name is specified. Alternatively, clear alert cache of all process teamplates.
clearAlertCache [ptName]
Use this command to remove the alert metadata from the system memory. This forces BP Server to make database calls which can degrade its performance.
After this command, depending on whether you have used enableAlertCache or disableAlertCache, it starts/stops caching.
Complete a work item with the specified work item ID.
completeWi <wiId>
Complete the work item.
complete <wiNo>
Connect to the BP Server.
connect <userID> <password>
Create a new version of the given template and deprecate the current version. Alternatively, create the first version.
createVersion <xmlFile>
Create a process from an XML file.
create <xmlFile>
Create and activate an instance.
activate <ptName> <piName> <priority>
Create and install a new version of an installed and running process.
createAndInstallPtVersion <xml-fileName> <parentPtName>
Create and install a process template.
createAndInstallPt <ptName>
Disable alert caching.
Use this command to stop caching the alert metadata in the system memory. This forces BP Server to use the alert metadata cached before using this command.
Disconnect the BP Server.
Enable alert caching.
Use this command to start caching the alert metadata in the system memory. As BP Server uses the cached alert metadata, it does not have to make a database call. This improves the performance. Only BP Server can read the cached data.
Exit BP Server Admin.
Retrieve and display all information about all alerts for the specified process template.
getAlertInfo <ptName>
Retrieve all active worksteps for the specified process template.
getAllWorksteps <ptId>
Retrieve a list of user authorized process templates, including the author of the process template.
Process templates have a Group field. If Group is specified, then only members of that group are allowed to operate on that template. If Group is not specified, then all users are allowed to operate on that template.
Return the event ID of the last event processed by BPM Process Store.
Display the list of channels available on the server.
Return comp-JavaScript functions for a specified workstep.
getCompFunction <ptName> <wsName>
Retrieve task data for the specified work item and specified dataslot name.
getData <wiNo> <dsName>
Get task data list for the specified work item
getDataList <wiNo>
Get the dataslot choice value for the specified process template or process instance.
getDataslotChoice <ptName|piName> <dsName>
Retrieve dataslot name, type, and value for the specified process template or process instance.
getDataslotInfo <ptName|piId>
Get server information.
Return all the worksteps within the InlineBlock for the specified process instance.
getinlineactivities <piId> <InlineBlockName>
Return the process manager name for the specified process template.
getManager <ptName>
Return the highest event ID generated by BP Server
Display the list of message names and description available on the server.
Return all the missing events with the event ID greater than the specified event ID or all the missing events generated after the specified time.
getmissingevents <eventid|time>
Display a list of all the process instances created by a user.
Display the dataslot value associated with the specified process instance .
getPiData <piId> <dsName>
Return process instance due date.
getPiDuedate <piName>
Display complete process instance information.
getPiInfo <piId>
getPiStatus <piId>
Retrieve process instance’s active worksteps.
getPiWorkitem <piId>
Display process instance’s active worksteps.
getPiWorksteps <piId>
Get post-JavaScript functions for a specified workstep.
getPostFunction <ptName> <wsName>
Get precondition string for a specified workstep.
getPreCondition <ptName> <wsName>
Get preJavaScript functions for a specified workstep.
getPreFunction <ptName> <wsName>
Get all installed processes with appNames.
Get properties from bpserver.conf.
Get process template’s AppName.
getPtAppName <ptName>
getAppName <ptName>
Get process template's dataslot value.
getPtData <ptName> <dsName>
Get process template’s information.
getPtInfo <ptName>
Display all currently installed process templates with details.
Get all installed process template versions for the specified AppName.
getPTVersions <appName>
Display the list of MessagePublisher worksteps which publish the specified message.
getPublishers <messageName>
If the message name is not specified, then all the MessagePublisher worksteps are displayed.
Return workstep names to be reactivated for the specified error.
getReactivateWSName <ptName> <failureWs>
Return worksteps with rollback points.
getRollbackPoints <ptName>
Get the current state of the BP Server.
Return the number of active sessions.
Get the time the BP Server was started.
Return start workstep name of the specified process instance.
getStartWs <piId>
Displays the list of MessageSubscriber worksteps that have subscribed for the specified message name.
getSubscribers <messageName>
If the message name is not provided, then it displays all the MessageSubscriber worksteps.
Return a list of Suspended process templates.
Get Suspended worksteps of a process instance or process template.
getSuspendedWsList <ptName | piName>
Retrieve the work items assigned to the current user with their "available" status.
Complete a workstep.
Enter getTasks and complete<wiNo> commands in that order.
Get all versions of the process template.
Get the list of work items related to the specified process instance or workstep.
getWorkItemList <piId> <wsName>
Get the list of work items for the specified performer with their available status.
getWorkItems <performer>
Get the list of message instances to be delivered to the specified process instance ID and workstep name.
getWorkstepMessages <piId>
The process instance ID (piId) parameter is optional. If you do not provide this parameter, then BP Server displays message instances to be delivered to all process instances.
Return workstep due date.
getWSDueDate <piId> <wsName>
Install process template.
install <ptName>
The second of three stages for running a process. Validates and activates the process template. The first stage is creating a process and the third stage is activating a process.
Check if the alert cache is enabled.
Check if the work item is assigned.
isAssigned <wiNo>
Check if the dynamic class loading is enabled.
Check if the process instance exists.
isPiExist <piId>
Check if the work item exists.
isWiExist <wiId>
Load an external file from the file.
loadscript <fileName>
Do not use the same name as the history file.
Make the specified work item available to the remaining performers who have not yet completed it, or to the specified performers.
makeAvailable <wiNo> <performer | comma separated list of performers>
Print the given message in the ejbserver console.
printInfo <message>
Restart the flow from the specified workstep.
reactivateWs <piId> <wsName>
Refresh the changes done in the callback XML configuration file without restarting the BP Server.
Reload the JAR files from all the common paths as well as the process-template-specific path.
Reload the JAR files from the process-template-specific path.
refreshClassLoader <ptName>
Reload the e-mail related properties from the file, avoiding the need to restart BP Server.
Reload the cached JMS resources.
Relaod Business Process Server properties and resources.
Forcefully remove all the instances of the specified process template, remove the specified process template, and then create and install the specified process template.
reinstallPt <ptName>
Reload the configuration file for the server.
Remove all the instances of the specified process template.
removeAllPi <ptName>
Remove all the process instances belonging to the specified process template.
removeAllPiLocal <ptName>
Note: This does not remove the synchronous subprocess instances.
Remove all process templates and instances.
Remove the specified group from the distributed GroupCache.
removeGroupFromCache <groupName>
Note: In LDAP realm, execute this command before removing a group.
Remove the process instance from memory.
removePi <piId>
Remove a process template from memory.
removePt <ptName>
Remove reactivate workstep or reset reactivate attribute.
removeReactivateWsName <ptName> <wsName>
Remove the specified user from the distributed UserCache.
removeUserFromCache <userName>
Note: In LDAP realm, execute this command before removing a user.
Remove a work item.
removeWorkItem <wiName|wiId>
Refresh the process template without versioning.
Resume all suspended adapters.
Resume all suspended worksteps.
Resume BP Server.
resumeBLServer <username> <password>
Resume client connections to the BP Server.
resumeConnections <username> <password>
Resume process instance.
resumePi <piId>
Resume Suspended process template.
resumePt <ptName>
Resume workstep from suspension due to JavaScript errors or external performer.
resumeWs <piId> <wsName>
Run the Garbage Collector forcibly.
Set activation time for a workstep in the specified format.
setActivationTime <piId> <wsName> <long | dateString>
Set comp-JavaScript function.
setCompFunction <ptName> <wsName> <jsCode>
Use double quote for entire JavaScript code.
Set the debug flag to print the debug information about the fired commands in the bpserverclient.log file.
setDebug true/false
Set dynamic class loading.
setDynamicCL true/false
Set the process manager name.
setManager <piName/ptName> <mgrName>
Set process instance dataslot.
setPiData <piId> <dsName> <data>
Set the process instance due date.
setPiDuedate <piId> <dueDate>
Change the process instances priority.
setPiPriority <piId> <priority>
Set post-JavaScript functions for a workstep.
setPostFunction <piName> <wsName> <jsCode>
Set the precondition string.
setPreCondition <ptName> <wsName> <preCondition>
Set preJavaScript functions.
setPreFunction <piName> <wsName> <jsCode>
Set the process template data. This command is applicable only to the global dataslots.
setPtData <ptName> <dsName> <data>
Set reactivate workstep for worksteps.
setReactivateWsName <ptName> <failureWs>
Set dataslot names for worksteps when rollback occurs.
setSaveDataslots <ptName> <wsName> <dsName_1> <dsName_2>...<dsName_n>
Set the start workstep name.
setStartWs <piId> <name>
Set timer interval.
setTimer <seconds>
Set workstep due date.
setWsDuedate <piId> <wsName> <dueDate>
Set the dataslot value as associated with the work item number.
setdata <wiNo> <dsName> <data>
Shutdown BP Server.
Sleep for the specified milliseconds.
sleep <milliSecs>
Start the BP Server E-mail listener.
Start a process instance which is created, but not yet activated.
startProcessInstance <piId>
A useful command if the BP Server is down—while in the middle of activating new process instances.
Start the BP Server.
startServer <userID> <password>
Stop the BP Server E-mail listener.
Suspend BP Server.
Suspend client connections to the BP Server
Suspend a process instance.
suspendPi <piId>
Suspend a process template.
suspendPt <ptName>
Note: The process template must be installed to suspend it successfully.
Suspend a workstep.
Print current time in the BP Server Admin console.
Update available work item’s performer.
updateAvailWiPerformer <wiNo> <performer>
Check if the process is valid for update.
Get the version number of the BP Server.
* Command parsing
* Using help for BP Server admin commands
* Debugging BP Server admin commands