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Application Developer's Guide
Developing an application : Using a sample application to demonstrate application development

Using a sample application to demonstrate application development

This chapter uses the "Assign_A_Task_V1" sample application to illustrate the application development process, beginning with defining the worksteps and dataslots. "Assign_A_Task_V1" is a BPM Project that uses Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge to define the process and information flow.
The Assign_A_Task_V1 application has the following basic requirements:
*The assigner (a person) assigns a task to the assignee (a person).
*The assignee performs the task.
*The reviewer (a person) reviews the completed task.
In this application, the person assigning a task is also the task reviewer. This person reviews the work completed by the assignee to determine whether it is satisfactory. If it is, then the task reviewer expresses the decision as "NoMoreWork." If there is more work to do, then the reviewer expresses this decision as "DoMoreWork" and can modify the task specification, and reassign it to the current assignee or to a new person.
After defining the application requirements, continue with the application development by transforming the application requirements to a process flow and defining the information required by the application. This includes how the information should flow in the application.
Note: Assign_A_Task_V1 uses the default user interface provided by Business Process Server. Subsequent sample applications are built upon this foundation, and each application is uniquely named, enabling you to run all versions of the application at the same time for comparison.
* Defining the process flow of an application
* Using dataslots to define the information flow