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Application Developer's Guide
Developing management applications to control infopads : Parameter values for applet HTML file definitions

Parameter values for applet HTML file definitions

Four parameter values are applicable in applet HTML file definitions.

Parameter values

*<%applicationDir%>. A shortcut to the applications directory OEBPS_HOME\BPM Manage API\root\ applications. It replaces the value with the actual directory location.
*<%hostname%> . A placeholder for the hostname and port number of the server machine hosting Business Process Portal. It replaces the value with the actual hostname and port number.
*<%bizPulseHost%>. A placeholder for the hostname of the server which is hosting BPM Events. It replaces the value with the actual hostname of the machine hosting BPM Events. If BPM Events is running on the same computer as Business Process Portal, then the replacement value is blank. If this occurs, then use a local host instead.
*<%sessionID%>. A placeholder for the user’s session ID. It replaces the value with the current run-time session ID. You can append this ID to servlet calls from the applet, otherwise a security exception is thrown and the user is required to log back in.
* Configuring BPM Events