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Application Developer's Guide
Developing an application : Using JavaScript in a workstep : Integrating JavaScript

Integrating JavaScript

Each time Business Process Server executes JavaScript code for a workstep, it creates a new object of class JSTools—referred to as jst—and passes it to the JavaScript execution environment. This operation is transparent to you although you must use jst objects to invoke methods for accessing dataslot values, sending e-mail, and more.
This section explains how to integrate your JavaScript code into a workstep.
* Reading dataslot values
* Using new datatypes in JavaScript
* Updating dataslot values
* Sending e-mail using JavaScript
* Setting e-mail to a different language with JavaScript
* Invoking Java methods in JavaScript
* Invoking an adapter for communicating to BP Server API
* Using 'blserver' in JavaScripts
* Reading process information
* Including a driver function
* Understanding exceptions
* Managing collections of commonly used JavaScript code
* Improving JavaScript performance