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AppServer and Internet Adapter Administration : Configuring and Managing the AppServer : Checking for failed client connections : Configuring clients : Java and .NET Open Client connections
Java and .NET Open Client connections
To request the use of ServerASK protocol on a connection, a Java or .NET Open Client must set the new connection property prior to instantiation of the appropriate AppObject. As with the existing connection properties, the new connection properties can be set on the static RunTimeProperties object (for properties that are applicable to all connections), or may be set on a Connection object instance for a specific connection. The values may be set or accessed using property names, or using the specific get and set methods for the property.
The PROGRESS.Session.AppServerKeepalive property is a string valued property that indicates the ASK feature that the client would like to employ on the connection.
The absence of this property indicates that the default value for the ServerASK protocol will be used on this connection. The value is either:
*allowServerASK (default)
Note: If you are connected synchronously to the AppServer using ServerASK and an Open Client, consider using the run-time property WaitIfBusy for .NET clients or setWaitIfBusy for Java clients to TRUE. Setting these properties to TRUE causes client requests to queue if the connection is busy. This protects you against the small possibility that the connection is busy with a ping from the ServerASK feature at the same time the client issues a request. In this case, the request fails because the connection is busy with the ServerASK request.
See OpenEdge Development: Java Open Clients and OpenEdge Development: .NET Open Clients for more information.