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OERealm : Supported OERealm Clients : Configuring OERealm Clients

Configuring OERealm Clients

Clients that connect to and communicate with OERealm should be configured with the following values:
Table 112. OERealm client configuration details
Configuration attribute and value
Realm URL
A valid URL to connect to the OERealm
Realm Class
The fully qualified name of the OERealm Server class.
Realm Token File
if OERealm is configured to require each request to contain a valid C-P, the client must have access to the C-P file generated by the implementer of OERealm.
Realm Attribute names
The clients must configure attribute names that the OERealm server class can use to get an attribute.
Note: Realm URL can take the following values:
*"AppServer[s]://<name-server-host>:<name-server-port>/<service-name>" for remote OpenEdge AppServer
*"AppServerDC[s]://<AppServer-host>:<AppServer-port>/<service-name>" for remote OpenEdge AppServer using Direct Connect
*http[s]://<host>[:<port>]/[oeabl-app-name/]apsv" for remote PAS for OpenEdge server
*"http[s]://<host>[:<port>]/<aia-app-nam>/aia" for remote classic AppServer using AppServer Internet Adapter
*"internal://localhost/nxgas" for local PAS for OE Server
The following table provides the details for various OERealm supported clients and their configuration details:
Table 113. OERealm client configuration details
Configuration attribute and value
Progress OpenEdge BPM
Configure following attributes in BPSHOME/conf/umacl.conf
oeauth.server.location = <Realm URL>
oeauth.server.provider = <Fully qualified OO ABL Server Class>
oeauth.server.authmethod = [basic|digest]
oeauth.server.clientprincipal = <realm Token file>
Fore more information, refer to Progress OpenEdge Business Process Server: Business Process Portal Administrator's Guide
Progress Rollbase
OpenEdge Realm URL
OpenEdge Realm Class
Realm Token File
For more information refer to Rollbase documentation.
For more details see OERealmUserDetails properties