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OERealm is a component of the OpenEdge Single Point of Authentication architecture where the authentication system of various applications use a single user account information source. It provides user account information, maintained in an AppServer, to the login process of an external product’s authentication system. OERealm has three components – OERealm Client, OERealm Server OOABL interface, and OERealm server class. The OERealm client uses abstract user account property names and the OERealm server class supplies the mapping between abstract and actual user account property names. The OERealm server class runs in a session-free AppServer as a singleton OOABL class because session-free supports multi-threaded OERealm clients and fail-over. OERealm server class uses user account numerical IDs for unique user IDs and it manages identification information for multiple OpenEdge domains or tenants. OERealm supports the following Progress products:
*Progress OpenEdge BPM
*Progress OpenEdge Rest services and for Progress OpenEdge
*Progress Rollbase
OERealm is not an authentication system in itself and it does not support the control the success or failure of a user login through a remote authentication system. It can use user tables other than those of OpenEdge database and supports more than one OpenEdge domain or tenant. It allows the implementation of multiple classes per AppServer and also functions with non-OpenEdge OERealm clients.
Note: OERealm does not support remotely created and deleted user accounts.
* Implementing OERealm
* Supported OERealm Clients
* OERealm Best Practices
* Samples