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Reference to OpenEdge Web Service Properties : Alphabetical reference

Alphabetical reference

This section contains an alphabetical reference to the properties that you can set for a service, including the applicable session model, a complete description of usage, and the default value for each property.
* appServerKeepAlive
* appServiceConnectionMode
* appServiceHost
* appServiceName
* appServicePort
* appServiceProtocol
* clientASKActivityTimeout
* clientASKResponseTimeout
* connectionLifetime
* connectionTimeout
* idleSessionTimeout
* initialSessions
* maxSessions
* minIdleConnections
* minSessions
* noHostVerify
* noSessionReuse
* nsClientMaxPort
* nsClientMinPort
* nsClientPicklistExpiration
* nsClientPicklistSize
* nsClientPortRetry
* nsClientPortRetryInterval
* requestWaitTimeout
* serviceAvailable
* serviceFaultLevel
* serviceLogEntryTypes
* serviceLoggingLevel
* sessionMode
* staleO4GLObjectTimeout
* waitIfBusy