Using JSDOs to create mobile and web clients : JSDO overview : How JSDO memory works : Table and field references
Table and field references
You can access the data in JSDO memory using table references. A table reference is a property on the JSDO that references a given JavaScript table object as defined by the schema of the resource data model. So, JSDO memory contains one table reference property for each table object referenced in JSDO memory. The name of each property is the same as the name of a corresponding table (or object) defined in the schema of Data Object resource, and it is specified with the same letter case as the table or object name in the resource.
JSDO methods that operate on JSDO memory operate either on the entire data store, in which case they are called on the JSDO itself, or on one table reference at a time, in which case they are called directly on the corresponding table reference property. As a short hand, methods that operate on a single table reference can be called on the JSDO if the JSDO schema includes only one table. For example, given a JSDO referenced by dsOrderEntry whose JSDO memory references the schema for several temp-tables of an OpenEdge ProDataSet, including ttCustomer, the JSDO fill( ) and foreach( ) methods can be called as follows:
dsOrderEntry.fill( );
dsOrderEntry.ttCustomer.foreach( function ( record-object ) { ... } );
In this example, the fill( ) method is called on the dsOrderEntry JSDO to load the available data for the Data Object resource into JSDO memory by calling the standard Data Object Read operation. Then, the foreach( ) method is called on the ttCustomer property of the JSDO to loop through all the record objects loaded from the ttCustomer temp-table, allowing each one to be accessed from within the function that is passed as a parameter.
You can access the data in each record object of a table reference using a field reference. A field reference is a property on a JSDO table reference that references a field in the current working record (if available) as specified by the schema of the resource table data model. Each field reference property has the name and data type of a field in the table schema and its current value in the working record.
The JSDO also supports access to the elements of one-dimensional array fields using either standard JavaScript subscripts on an array field reference or JSDO-defined array-element references. A JSDO array-element reference is an individual field reference property whose name consist of the array field name appended with a one-based integer that corresponds to each element of the array.
For more information on using table reference and field reference properties to access tables and fields in a JSDO, see the description of the table reference property (JSDO class).
A working record is the current record object that is implicitly available on a table reference after certain JSDO methods are called that set a working record. For more information on field references and working records, see Working records.