Using JSDOs to create mobile and web clients : JSDO overview

JSDO overview

A JSDO is an object designed to simplify access to relational data in a mobile app. It does this by providing JavaScript methods to execute the Data Object operations supported by a single Data Object resource and by supporting an internal data store (JSDO memory) to cache the data that is defined by and returned from the Data Object resource to the mobile app. This data is stored in the form of one or more JSDO table objects (tables) that map to corresponding elements of the Data Object Service resource that model relational data.
The JSDO relies on a JSON file (Data Service Catalog) that defines the Data Object resource it is accessing. This resource definition includes the schema (data model) for the data supported by the resource as well as the definitions for JSDO methods that call the operations supported by the resource. The schema of the Data Object resource, therefore, determines both the structure of the data in JSDO memory and how Data Object operations can interact with it. Other JSDO methods allow the mobile app to read and manipulate the data in JSDO memory, preparing it for ultimate update on the server when supported Data Object operations are called. In addition, JSDO memory provides features to help bind its data to a UI by mapping the data to HTML elements of a mobile app.
* JSDO classes and objects
* How a JSDO maps to a Data Object resource
* How JSDO memory works
* Methods of the JSDO and JSRecord classes
* Asynchronous and synchronous execution
* Properties of a JSDO
* Requirements for using a JSDO