AddValidPath (character)
* Add a path prefix to the list of allowed paths.
* Paths are relative to WEB-INF and must start with /
CHARACTER GetContentDirectory (IWebRequest)
* Get the directory for the files served by the handler
CHARACTER GetContentPath (IWebRequest)
* Get the path for the file to be served by the handler
CHARACTER GetFileExtension (character)
* Get the file name extension
CHARACTER GetFilePathFromRequest (IWebRequest)
* Extract from the request the full path to the requested file.
INTEGER HandleGet (IWebRequest)
* Handle GET request. Returns files from directory.
INTEGER HandleNotAllowedMethod (IWebRequest)
* Handle methods that are marked as not allowed
INTEGER HandleNotImplemented (IWebRequest)
* Handle methods that are not implemented
LOGICAL IsValidPath (IWebRequest)
* Check a list of path prefixes to see if this request is
* for a file in a valid directory.
WriteFile (WebResponse, WebResponseWriter, character)
* Write file to the response stream