Namespace: OpenEdge.Mobile
Parent classes:
Inherits: OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder

Copyright (c) 2015-2016 by Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
Purpose:Helper class to build a notification message easily
Created:Fri Jun 13 13:11:41 EDT 2014
Notes:* The structure of these notification messages is at
which basically says that they are process in UTC timezone.

Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddArrayFilter (character, JsonConstruct, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum) /** General method to add array filters to the payload. Supported operands: Includes/NotIncludes/Matches/Equals @param character The name of the type of filter (type/deviceID/etc) @param JsonConstruct The value to add. Could be Object (matches only) or array (Includes/NotIncludes) @param PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum The operand (eq/ne/etc) @return PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object */
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddDateFilter (character, datetime, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum) /** A general method to add Date filter values to the notification query/filter. Supported operands: eq/ne/gt/ge/lt/le/ @param character The filter name @param datetime The filter value @param PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum The operand (eg Equals or NotEqual) @return PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object */
AddFilter (JsonConstruct) /* Adds a filter clause to the filter set. @param JsonConstruct The filter data - an array or an object */
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddGeoFilter (character, JsonObject, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum) /** General method to add Geolocations filters to the payload. Note that the objects required by the GEO type must have particular properties, but this method only validates some of the properties. Supported operands: near/nearSphere/within/Intersects @param character The name of the type of filter (type/deviceID/etc) @param JsonObject The value to add. @param PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum The operand (eq/ne/etc) @return PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object */
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddLogicalFilter (character, logical, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum) /** A general method to add logical/boolean filter values to the notification query/filter. Only Equals and NotEqual supported @param character The filter name @param logical The filter value @param PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum The operand (eg Equals or NotEqual) @return PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object */
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddNumericFilter (character, decimal, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum) /** A general method to add numeric(decimal) filter values to the notification query/filter. Supported operands: eq/eq/gt/ge/lt/le/inc/ninc @param character The filter name @param decimal The filter value @param PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum The operand (eg Equals or NotEqual) @return PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object */
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddObjectFilter (character, JsonConstruct, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum) /** General method to add object filters to the payload. Note that the arrays required by Includes/NotIncludes must contain objects themselves, but this method does NOT validate the contents of the array. The notification service will do so. Supported operands: Includes/NotIncludes/Equals/NotEqual @param character The name of the type of filter (type/deviceID/etc) @param JsonConstruct The value to add. Could be Object (EqualEquals/NotEqual ) or array (Includes/NotIncludes) @param PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum The operand (eq/ne/etc) @return PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object */
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddPointerFilter (character, JsonObject, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum) /** UNSUPPORTED OPERATION General method to add object filters to the payload. Note that the objects required by the Pointer type must have particular properties, but this method validates some of the properties. @param character The name of the type of filter (type/deviceID/etc) @param JsonObject The value to add. @param PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum The operand (eq/ne/etc) @return PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object */
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddStringFilter (character, character, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum) /** General method to add string/character filters to the payload. Supported operands: Equals/NotEqual/Includes/NotIncludes @param character The name of the type of filter (type/deviceID/etc) @param character The value to add @param PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum The operand (eq/ne/etc) @return PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object */
CHARACTER FormatDate (date) /* Helper method to return date/time/-tz in a decent format @param date A date value to format @return character ISO-DATE format */
CHARACTER FormatDate (datetime) /* Helper method to return date/time/-tz in a decent format @param datetime A datetime value to format @return character ISO-DATE format */
CHARACTER FormatDate (datetime-tz) /* Helper method to return date/time/-tz in a decent format @param datetime-tz A datetime-tz value to format @return character ISO-DATE format */
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject NewPayload () /** Returns a useable Payload based on the config. @return JsonObject A useable push notification message payload */

Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject Payload

Method Detail

OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddArrayFilter (character, JsonConstruct, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum)

Purpose: General method to add array filters to the payload.
Supported operands: Includes/NotIncludes/Matches/Equals
or array (Includes/NotIncludes)
pcFilterName CHARACTER
poFilterValue Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonConstruct
poOperand OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum
Returns OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder
PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object

OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddDateFilter (character, datetime, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum)

Purpose: A general method to add Date filter values to the notification
Supported operands: eq/ne/gt/ge/lt/le/
pcFilterName CHARACTER
ptFilterValue DATETIME
poOperand OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum
Returns OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder
PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object

AddFilter (JsonConstruct)

/* Adds a filter clause to the filter set.
poFilterObject Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonConstruct

OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddGeoFilter (character, JsonObject, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum)

Purpose: General method to add Geolocations filters to the payload. Note that the
objects required by the GEO type must have particular properties,
but this method only validates some of the properties.
Supported operands: near/nearSphere/within/Intersects
pcFilterName CHARACTER
poFilterValue Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject
poOperand OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum
Returns OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder
PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object

OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddLogicalFilter (character, logical, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum)

Purpose: A general method to add logical/boolean filter values to the notification
query/filter. Only Equals and NotEqual supported
pcFilterName CHARACTER
plFilterValue LOGICAL
poOperand OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum
Returns OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder
PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object

OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddNumericFilter (character, decimal, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum)

Purpose: A general method to add numeric(decimal) filter values to the notification
Supported operands: eq/eq/gt/ge/lt/le/inc/ninc
pcFilterName CHARACTER
pdFilterValue DECIMAL
poOperand OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum
Returns OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder
PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object

OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddObjectFilter (character, JsonConstruct, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum)

Purpose: General method to add object filters to the payload. Note that the
arrays required by Includes/NotIncludes must contain objects themselves,
but this method does NOT validate the contents of the array. The notification
service will do so.
Supported operands: Includes/NotIncludes/Equals/NotEqual
or array (Includes/NotIncludes)
pcFilterName CHARACTER
poFilterValue Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonConstruct
poOperand OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum
Returns OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder
PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object

OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddPointerFilter (character, JsonObject, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum)

General method to add object filters to the payload. Note that the
objects required by the Pointer type must have particular properties,
but this method validates some of the properties.
pcFilterName CHARACTER
poFilterValue Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject
poOperand OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum
Returns OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder
PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object

OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder AddStringFilter (character, character, PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum)

Purpose: General method to add string/character filters to the payload.
Supported operands: Equals/NotEqual/Includes/NotIncludes
pcFilterName CHARACTER
pcFilterValue CHARACTER
poOperand OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationFilterOperandEnum
Returns OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationMessageBuilder
PushNotificationMessageBuilder This builder object

CHARACTER FormatDate (date)

/* Helper method to return date/time/-tz in a decent format
ptDate DATE
character ISO-DATE format

CHARACTER FormatDate (datetime)

/* Helper method to return date/time/-tz in a decent format
character ISO-DATE format

CHARACTER FormatDate (datetime-tz)

/* Helper method to return date/time/-tz in a decent format
character ISO-DATE format

Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject NewPayload ()

Purpose: Returns a useable Payload based on the config.
Returns Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject
JsonObject A useable push notification message payload

Property Detail

Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject Payload

Returns Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject

Copyright © 2022 Progress Software Corporation. All rights Reserved.

Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7.15