Options |
Name |
Purpose |
Allocate (character)
LOGICAL CanFind (character)
LOGICAL CanFind (integer)
CopyChildTable (character, handle)
CopyTable (IDataAdminModel)
CopyTable (table)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection CreateCollection (character, FilteredContext)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection CreateCollection (IDataAdminContext)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement CreateEntity (IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.Query.FilteredContext CreateFilteredContext (IRow, IRequestInfo)
HANDLE CreateImportTable (character)
CreatePartitionAfterQuery (handle)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.IFetchRequest CreatePartitionRefreshRequest (character)
CreateRow (IDataAdminElement)
/* the default syserror has all info */
CreateRow (ITenantGroup)
DataRefreshed (IFetchResponse)
DeletePartitionAfterQuery ()
LOGICAL DeserializeRow (handle, log)
LOGICAL Find (character)
LOGICAL Find (integer)
CHARACTER FindExpression (character)
CHARACTER FindExpression (integer)
/*** 11.0 September 20, 2011 - remove ...
/* Called from merge with the changes returned from server to keep track of
which partitions that will need to be refreshed. */
method private logical CreatePartionRefreshIds (pdsChanged as handle):
define variable hQuery as handle no-undo.
define variable hBuffer as handle no-undo.
define variable hBefore as handle no-undo.
define variable lok as logical no-undo.
define variable lRefresh as logical no-undo.
define variable hPartition as handle no-undo.
hbuffer = pdsChanged:get-buffer-handle ("ttTenantGroup").
create query hQuery.
hquery:add-buffer (hbuffer).
hQuery:query-prepare ("for each ttTenantGroup").
do while hbuffer:avail:
if hbuffer:row-state = row-created then
do transaction on error undo, leave loop:
create ttGroupNameRequest.
ttGroupNameRequest.Id = hBuffer::Id
ttGroupNameRequest.ObjectType = hBuffer::ObjectType
ttGroupNameRequest.ObjectNumber = hBuffer::ObjectNumber
ttGroupNameRequest.Name = hBuffer::name.
lok = true.
end method.
method public logical HasPartitionChanges():
define variable hBuffer as handle no-undo.
hbuffer = GetChild("partitions"):Tablehandle:default-buffer-handle.
return hBuffer:before-buffer:table-handle:has-records.
end method.
method public logical NeedPartitionRefresh():
define variable lok as logical no-undo.
return can-find(first ttGroupNameRequest).
end method.
method private logical EmptyPartitionRefresh():
empty temp-table ttGroupNameRequest.
end method.
method private void DeletePartitionsBeforeRequest ():
define variable hQuery as handle no-undo.
define variable hBuffer as handle no-undo.
create query hQuery.
/* now workaround the fact that fill cannot replace (even if it should? ) */
hbuffer = GetChild("partitions"):Tablehandle:default-buffer-handle.
hquery:set-buffers (buffer ttGroupNameRequest:handle).
hquery:add-buffer (hbuffer).
hQuery:query-prepare ("for each ttGroupNameRequest, each ttPartition where ttGroupNameRequest.name = ttPartition.TenantGroupname").
/* hBuffer:table-handle:tracking-changes = false.*/
do while hbuffer:avail:
hBuffer:buffer-delete ().
/* hBuffer:table-handle:tracking-changes = true.*/
delete object hQuery.
end method.
method private IFetchRequest CreatePartitionRefreshRequest ():
define variable tree as IContextTree no-undo.
define variable msg as IFetchRequest no-undo.
tree = new ContextTree().
tree:Parse = true.
tree:SetHandle("requests",buffer ttGroupNameRequest:handle).
msg = new FetchRequest("Partition",Id,tree:GetReadHandle()).
return msg.
end method.
method override public void MergeChanges( pResponse as ISaveRequest ):
define variable lok as logical no-undo.
define variable msg as IFetchRequest no-undo.
if not NeedPartitionRefresh() then
if (not HasPartitionChanges()) and NeedPartitionRefresh() then
msg = CreatePartitionRefreshRequest().
msg:UseReplaceOnClient = false.
end method.
CHARACTER GetChildQuery (IRow)
CHARACTER GetCreateError (ITenantGroup)
CHARACTER GetJoinFields (character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel GetNamedChild (character)
/* support many-to-many to tenants (tenants as child) */
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.PartitionContext GetPartitionContext ()
HANDLE GetQueryHandles (character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.IFetchRequest GetRequest ()
method public ISaveRequest GetCreateRequest():
define variable hchanges as handle no-undo.
define variable savemsg as ISaveRequest no-undo.
SaveDataset = CreateDataset("tenantGroupMembers").
hchanges = GetChanges(SaveDataset).
savemsg = new SaveRequest(Name,Id,hchanges).
/* mCreate = true.*/
return savemsg.
end method.
CHARACTER GetServerChildQuery (IRow)
initChildren ()
initChildren (IContextScope)
initChildren (IMultiTenantScope)
HANDLE InitDataset ()
/* temporary until all sub classes are using createDataset */
MergeChanges (ISaveRequest)
/** override to refresh partitions for create */
LOGICAL PartitionsNeedRefresh (character)
/** called from merge to check if allocationstate of a table changed */
LOGICAL RefreshPartitions (handle)
SerializeRow (handle)
ValidateGroup (ITenantGroup)
ValueChanged (character, character, character)