LONGCHAR Decode (longchar, character)
/** Attempts to decode a previously-encoded string. By default 4-character hex values are
used, for escape sequences like U+ or \u . If the escape sequence has a terminator - like \U{&1}
- then the length of the hex value is determined using the mask.
@param longchar The encoded string
@param character The escape sequence, by default U+ but for JSON may need to be \u .
May include &1 for more complex sequences (like Swift's \u{&1} )
@return longchar A decoded UTF-8 string */
LONGCHAR Encode (longchar, character)
/* Encodes non-ASCII (a UTF8 value of 32 < utf8 < 128) characters into Unicode-codepoints, using
the escape sequence/mask given.
@param longchar The string to encode.
@param character The escape sequence, by default U+ but for JSON may need to be \u .
May include &1 for more complex sequences (like Swift's \u{&1} )
@return longchar The encoded string */
INT64 UnicodeToUtf8 (character)
/* Converts a Unicode codepoint into a UTF8 value.
For example U+20AC is decided as decimal 8364, which is used as an input
for the UnicodeToUtf8(int64) method.
@param character The Unicode codepoint as a HEX value
@return int64 The UTF-8 value. Will be ZERO/0 if the codepoint is unknown or negative. */
INT64 UnicodeToUtf8 (int64)
/* Converts a Unicode codepoint into a UTF8 value
For example the unicode codepoint 8364 (which is U+20AC) is returned as
decimal 14844588 which can then be turned into a character with
CHR(<val>, 'utf-8':u, 'utf-8':u)
@param int64 The Unicode codepoint
@return int64 The UTF-8 value. Will be ZERO/0 if the codepoint is unknown or negative. */
INTEGER Utf8ToUnicode (character)
/* Converts a UTF8 character into a unicode codepoint.
@param character The UTF-8 character string. Only the first character of the input value is used.
@return integer The Unicode codepoint. Will be ZERO/0 if the codepoint is null. */
INTEGER Utf8ToUnicode (int64)
/* Converts a UTF8 values into a unicode codepoint
@param int64 The UTF-8 value (from the ASC() function or elsewhere)
@return integer The Unicode codepoint. Will be ZERO/0 if the codepoint is null. */