Namespace: OpenEdge.Web.DataObject
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implements: Progress.Web.IWebHandler, OpenEdge.Core.ISupportInitialize, OpenEdge.Logging.ISupportLogging, OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.IOperationHandler

/* *************************************************************************************************************************
Copyright (c) 2016-2017 by Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates. All rights reserved.
Created:Thu Jul 23 10:03:19 EDT 2015

Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
AddResponseEnvelope (IHttpResponse, MappedOperation) /* Adds a 'response' or similar envelope to the body. At this point the incoming body should be in 'entity' format (ie non pure bytes). @param IHttpResponse The outgoing message @param MappedOperation Metadata about what to do with this request */
AddResponseEnvelope (IHttpResponse, MappedOperation, character) /* Adds a 'response' or similar envelope to the body. At this point the incoming body should be in 'entity' format (ie non pure bytes). @param IHttpResponse The outgoing message @param MappedOperation Metadata about what to do with this request @param character The envelope to use. Nulls not allowed; blanks are a no-op */
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse CreateOperationResponse (MappedOperation) /* Creates an HTTP Response object for an operation and populates it with default values from that operation. @param MappedOperation A valid operation to perform @return IHttpResponse The HTTP response containing the result of the operation */
INTEGER DeregisterAllServices (MappedOperation, IWebRequest, IHttpResponse) /* Deregisters all known services @param MappedOperation The mapped operation @param IWebRequest The request that resulting in the exception @param IHttpResponse The current response object, if any @return integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors */
INTEGER DeregisterService (MappedOperation, IWebRequest, IHttpResponse) /* Deregisters asingle known services @param MappedOperation The mapped operation @param IWebRequest The request that resulting in the exception @param IHttpResponse The current response object, if any @return integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors */
Destroy () /* Destroy/Shutdown/Anti-Initializer */
INTEGER Execute (IWebRequest, Object, IHttpResponse, MappedOperation, Object) /* Executes the operation. We don't care about the entity in this handler (since we are the handler) @param IWebRequest The request that resulting in the exception @param P.L.Object The message body of the incoming request. Typically will be transformed from bytes into something useful; may also have an envelope removed. @param IHttpResponse The current response object, if any @param MappedOperation The mapped operation @param P.L.Object The business logic/entity @return integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors */
Progress.Lang.Object ExtractMessageBody (IWebRequest, MappedOperation) /* Retrieves the actual data from an request. Strips the envelop ('request' or similar) @param IWebRequest The incoming request ` @param OperationArgument Metadata about what to do with this request @return Progress.Lang.Object The extracted body */
OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation FindOperation (IWebRequest) /* Returns a mapped operation for this request @param IWebRequest The incoming request @return MappedOperation A valid operation to use for this request. Should not be null, throw instead @throws AssertionFailedError Thrown on poor/missing inputs @throws SendExceptionError Thrown if the operation could not be found */
INTEGER GetCatalog (character, IWebRequest, Object, IHttpResponse) /* Retrieves a catalog for a named service. First tries to run a mapped operation, then looks in the serviceregistry @param MappedOperation The mapped operation @param IWebRequest The request that resulting in the exception @param P.L.Object The message body of the incoming request. Typically will be transformed from bytes into something useful; may also have an envelope removed. @param IHttpResponse The current response object, if any @return integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors */
Progress.Lang.Object GetEntity (character, character) /* Retrieves a cached entity if one exits @param character The service name @param character The entity name (for an operation) @return Progress.Lang.Object The cached entity, if one exists */
OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.IOperationHandler GetOperationHandler (TargetTypeEnum) /* Factory method for retrieving an operation handler @param TargetTypeEnum The operation type for which to find a handler @return IOperationHandler A handler, if one exists */
INTEGER HandleException (DataObjectEventArgs) /* Handles an exception that has been raised in an event handler used to process the request. @param DataObjectEventArgs A valid event args object @return integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors */
INTEGER HandleException (Error, IWebRequest, IHttpResponse, Object, MappedOperation) /* Handles an exception that has been raised while dealing with the request. The OE default is to return a status code; to customise, subscribe to the OperationError event and change the ReturnStatusCode value. If any errors occur in processing the exception, we log them and fall back to static error pages. This method MUST always exectute completely. This method NEVER throws an error @param Progress.Lang.Error The as-yet-unhandled exception @param IWebRequest The request that resulting in the exception @param IHttpResponse The current response object, if any @param Progress.Lang.Object The 'business entity' object, if any @return integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors */
INTEGER HandleRequest () /* Processes a request. The primary entrypoint into the handler. Is just a wrapper around the HandleRequest(IWebRequest) method. @return integer The HTTP status code that PASOE may use to return static pages. Use 0 for DIY */
INTEGER HandleRequest (IWebRequest) /* Processes a request. Uses an input parameter to allow for better testability/mocking. @param IWebRequest The current request @return integer The HTTP status code that PASOE may use to return static pages. Use 0 for DIY */
Initialize () /* Initializer/Startup */
Progress.Lang.Object InvokeEntity (MappedOperation, IWebRequest) /* Returns a useable instance of a business entity/logic class @param character The (internal) id of the mapped operation @return Progress.Lang.Object the business entity instance */
INTEGER ListServices (MappedOperation, IWebRequest, Object, IHttpResponse) /* Lists catalogs for all currently-registered services. @param MappedOperation The mapped operation @param IWebRequest The request that resulting in the exception @param P.L.Object The message body of the incoming request. Typically will be transformed from bytes into something useful; may also have an envelope removed. @param IHttpResponse The current response object, if any @return integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors */
OnInvoked (OperationInvocationEventArgs) /* Publishes the 'Invoked' event with the provided args @param OperationInvocationEventArgs The args for this event */
OnInvoking (OperationInvocationEventArgs) /* Publishes the 'Invoking' event with the provided args @param OperationInvocationEventArgs The args for this event */
OnLoadEntity (HandlerLoadEntityEventArgs) /* Publishes the 'LoadEntity' event with the provided args @param HandlerErrorEventArgs The args for this event */
OnOperationError (HandlerErrorEventArgs) /* Publishes the 'OperationError' event with the provided args @param HandlerErrorEventArgs The args for this event */
INTEGER PerformOperation (IWebRequest, Object, IHttpResponse, MappedOperation) /* Internal worker method to do the action defined by a mapped operation @param IWebRequest The request that resulting in the exception @param P.L.Object The message body of the incoming request. Typically will be transformed from bytes into something useful; may also have an envelope removed. @param IHttpResponse The current response object @param MappedOperation The mapped operation @return integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors */
RemoveAllEntities (character) /* Removes all the cached entity instances for a given service @param character The service name */
LOGICAL RemoveEntity (character, character) /* Removes a cached entity instance for a given service & operation @param character The service name @param character The entity name */
LOGICAL SetEntity (character, character, Object) /* Caches an entity instance for a given service & operation @param character The service name @param character The entity name @param Progress.Lang.Object The entity instance. may be null/unknown @return logical Returns TRUE if the entity was alrady cached */
CHARACTER SplitServicePath (character) /* Splits a URI path into a service and service-relative-uri. Can be used for tokenised paths or 'real' paths. @param character A path to split/parse @return character[2] An array of strings from the path. The first extent is the service name. The second extent is the service-relative URI */
LOGICAL ValidateContentType (IWebRequest, character) /* Ensures that the request's Accept header and the operation's ContentType values are compatible, per ContentType must be a complete type/subtype. Accept may contain type/subtype, type/<star> or <star>/<star> values. If <star>/<star> values appear the we can service the request. @param IWebRequest The request that resulting in the exception @param character The MIME type we're wanting to return (usally from the operation) @return logical TRUE if the operation's ContentType is compatible with the request's Accept value */
WriteResponse (IHttpResponse) /* Dumps a complete response to the output stream. Does not allow for incremental Write() calls. @param IHttpResponse The response being written. */

Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
DataObjectHandler () /* Default constructor*/

Event Summary
Options Name Purpose
Invoked (Object, OperationInvocationEventArgs) /* Event published after the business logic function was called by the handler @param Progress.Lang.Object The handler publishing the event @param OperationInvocationEventArgs Event args for this event */
Invoking (Object, OperationInvocationEventArgs) /* Event published before the business logic function is called by the handler @param Progress.Lang.Object The handler publishing the event @param OperationInvocationEventArgs Event args for this event */
LoadEntity (Object, HandlerLoadEntityEventArgs) /* Event published to invoke/load a piece of business logic (aka Business Entity). If none exists, we try a simple DYNAMIC-NEW. @param Progress.Lang.Object The handler publishing the event @param HandlerLoadEntityEventArgs Event args for this event */
OperationError (Object, HandlerErrorEventArgs) /* Event published when an error is encountered @param Progress.Lang.Object The handler publishing the event @param HandlerErrorEventArgs Event args for this event */

Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
OpenEdge.Logging.ILogWriter Logger

Method Detail

AddResponseEnvelope (IHttpResponse, MappedOperation)

/* Adds a 'response' or similar envelope to the body. At this point the incoming body should be
in 'entity' format (ie non pure bytes).
poResponse OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse
poOperation OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation

AddResponseEnvelope (IHttpResponse, MappedOperation, character)

/* Adds a 'response' or similar envelope to the body. At this point the incoming body should be
in 'entity' format (ie non pure bytes).
poResponse OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse
poOperation OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation
pcEnvelope CHARACTER

OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse CreateOperationResponse (MappedOperation)

/* Creates an HTTP Response object for an operation and populates it with
default values from that operation.
poOperation OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation
Returns OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse
IHttpResponse The HTTP response containing the result of the operation

INTEGER DeregisterAllServices (MappedOperation, IWebRequest, IHttpResponse)

/* Deregisters all known services
poOperation OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
poResponse OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse
integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors

INTEGER DeregisterService (MappedOperation, IWebRequest, IHttpResponse)

/* Deregisters asingle known services
poOperation OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
poResponse OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse
integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors

Destroy ()

/* Destroy/Shutdown/Anti-Initializer

INTEGER Execute (IWebRequest, Object, IHttpResponse, MappedOperation, Object)

/* Executes the operation.
We don't care about the entity in this handler (since we are the handler)
will be transformed from bytes into something useful; may also have an envelope removed.
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
poMessageBody Progress.Lang.Object
poResponse OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse
poOperation OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation
poBusinessEntity Progress.Lang.Object
integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors

Progress.Lang.Object ExtractMessageBody (IWebRequest, MappedOperation)

/* Retrieves the actual data from an request. Strips the envelop ('request' or similar)
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
poOperation OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation
Returns Progress.Lang.Object
Progress.Lang.Object The extracted body

OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation FindOperation (IWebRequest)

/* Returns a mapped operation for this request
@throws AssertionFailedError Thrown on poor/missing inputs
@throws SendExceptionError Thrown if the operation could not be found
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
Returns OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation
MappedOperation A valid operation to use for this request. Should not be null, throw instead

INTEGER GetCatalog (character, IWebRequest, Object, IHttpResponse)

/* Retrieves a catalog for a named service. First tries to run a mapped
operation, then looks in the serviceregistry
will be transformed from bytes into something useful; may also have an envelope removed.
pcServiceName CHARACTER
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
poMessageBody Progress.Lang.Object
poResponse OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse
integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors

Progress.Lang.Object GetEntity (character, character)

/* Retrieves a cached entity if one exits
pcEntityName CHARACTER
Returns Progress.Lang.Object
Progress.Lang.Object The cached entity, if one exists

OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.IOperationHandler GetOperationHandler (TargetTypeEnum)

/* Factory method for retrieving an operation handler
poTargetType OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.TargetTypeEnum
Returns OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.IOperationHandler
IOperationHandler A handler, if one exists

INTEGER HandleException (DataObjectEventArgs)

/* Handles an exception that has been raised in an event handler used to process
the request.
poEventArgs OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.DataObjectEventArgs
integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors

INTEGER HandleException (Error, IWebRequest, IHttpResponse, Object, MappedOperation)

/* Handles an exception that has been raised while dealing with the request.
The OE default is to return a status code; to customise, subscribe to the
OperationError event and change the ReturnStatusCode value.
If any errors occur in processing the exception, we log them and
fall back to static error pages. This method MUST always exectute
This method NEVER throws an error
poError Progress.Lang.Error
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
poResponse OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse
poBusinessEntity Progress.Lang.Object
poOperation OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation
integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors

INTEGER HandleRequest ()

/* Processes a request. The primary entrypoint into the handler.
Is just a wrapper around the HandleRequest(IWebRequest) method.
integer The HTTP status code that PASOE may use to return static pages. Use 0 for DIY

INTEGER HandleRequest (IWebRequest)

/* Processes a request. Uses an input parameter to allow for better testability/mocking.
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
integer The HTTP status code that PASOE may use to return static pages. Use 0 for DIY

Initialize ()

/* Initializer/Startup

Progress.Lang.Object InvokeEntity (MappedOperation, IWebRequest)

/* Returns a useable instance of a business entity/logic class
poOperation OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
Returns Progress.Lang.Object
Progress.Lang.Object the business entity instance

INTEGER ListServices (MappedOperation, IWebRequest, Object, IHttpResponse)

/* Lists catalogs for all currently-registered services.
will be transformed from bytes into something useful; may also have an envelope removed.
poOperation OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
poMessageBody Progress.Lang.Object
poResponse OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse
integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors

OnInvoked (OperationInvocationEventArgs)

/* Publishes the 'Invoked' event with the provided args
poEventArgs OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.OperationInvocationEventArgs

OnInvoking (OperationInvocationEventArgs)

/* Publishes the 'Invoking' event with the provided args
poEventArgs OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.OperationInvocationEventArgs

OnLoadEntity (HandlerLoadEntityEventArgs)

/* Publishes the 'LoadEntity' event with the provided args
poEventArgs OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.HandlerLoadEntityEventArgs

OnOperationError (HandlerErrorEventArgs)

/* Publishes the 'OperationError' event with the provided args
poEventArgs OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.HandlerErrorEventArgs

INTEGER PerformOperation (IWebRequest, Object, IHttpResponse, MappedOperation)

/* Internal worker method to do the action defined by a mapped operation
will be transformed from bytes into something useful; may also have an envelope removed.
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
poMessageBody Progress.Lang.Object
poResponse OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse
poOperation OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.MappedOperation
integer A non-null status code use to deal with errors

RemoveAllEntities (character)

/* Removes all the cached entity instances for a given service

LOGICAL RemoveEntity (character, character)

/* Removes a cached entity instance for a given service & operation
pcEntityName CHARACTER

LOGICAL SetEntity (character, character, Object)

/* Caches an entity instance for a given service & operation
pcEntityName CHARACTER
poBusinessEntity Progress.Lang.Object
logical Returns TRUE if the entity was alrady cached

CHARACTER SplitServicePath (character)

/* Splits a URI path into a service and service-relative-uri. Can be used for
tokenised paths or 'real' paths.
the service name. The second extent is the service-relative
character[2] An array of strings from the path. The first extent is

LOGICAL ValidateContentType (IWebRequest, character)

/* Ensures that the request's Accept header and the operation's
ContentType values are compatible, per
ContentType must be a complete type/subtype.
Accept may contain type/subtype, type/<star> or <star>/<star> values. If <star>/<star>
values appear the we can service the request.
poRequest OpenEdge.Web.IWebRequest
pcContentType CHARACTER
logical TRUE if the operation's ContentType is compatible with the request's Accept value

WriteResponse (IHttpResponse)

/* Dumps a complete response to the output stream. Does not allow for
incremental Write() calls.
poResponse OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse

Constructor Detail

DataObjectHandler ()

/* Default constructor

Event Detail

Invoked (Object, OperationInvocationEventArgs)

/* Event published after the business logic function was called by the handler
poSender Progress.Lang.Object
poEventArgs OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.OperationInvocationEventArgs

Invoking (Object, OperationInvocationEventArgs)

/* Event published before the business logic function is called by the handler
poSender Progress.Lang.Object
poEventArgs OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.OperationInvocationEventArgs

LoadEntity (Object, HandlerLoadEntityEventArgs)

/* Event published to invoke/load a piece of business logic (aka Business Entity).
If none exists, we try a simple DYNAMIC-NEW.
poSender Progress.Lang.Object
poEventArgs OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.HandlerLoadEntityEventArgs

OperationError (Object, HandlerErrorEventArgs)

/* Event published when an error is encountered
poSender Progress.Lang.Object
poEventArgs OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.HandlerErrorEventArgs

Property Detail

OpenEdge.Logging.ILogWriter Logger

Returns OpenEdge.Logging.ILogWriter

Copyright © 2017 Progress Software Corporation. All rights Reserved.

Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7