Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
DataReceivedHandler (ClientSocket, SocketReadEventArgs) |
/** Event handler for dealing with data received from the ClientSocket
@param ClientSocket The socket object receiving the response
@param SocketReadEventArgs Arguments pertaining to the data received */ |
Execute (IHttpRequest, IHttpResponse) |
/** Executes an HTTP request, and returns a response
- the connect and write-data calls are controlled by STOP-AFTER
- the read-data calls (WaitForResponse) are handled by the socket
@param HttpRequest The request to execute
@param HttpResponse The response from the server for that request. */ |
ExtractBody (IHttpRequest, ByteBucket) |
/** Constructs the message body from the request's Entity object
@param IHttpRequest The request form which to extract the body
@param ByteBucket The message body in plain-text form */ |
ExtractEntity (IHttpResponse, ByteBucket) |
/** Constructs the Entity object for the response, based on the
@param IHttpResponse The response into which to add the entity representation of the body
@param ByteBucket The message body in plain-text form */ |
ReadTerminatedHandler (ClientSocket, SocketReadEventArgs) |
/** Event handler for dealing with ReadTerminated events received from the ClientSocket
@param ClientSocket The socket object receiving the response
@param SocketReadEventArgs Arguments pertaining to the data received */ |
ReadTimeoutHandler (ClientSocket, SocketReadEventArgs) |
/** Event handler for dealing with read timeouts received from the ClientSocket
@param ClientSocket The socket object receiving the response
@param SocketReadEventArgs Arguments pertaining to the data received */ |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
ABLSocketLibrary (character, character, ClientSocket, ClientSocketConnectionParameters) |
/** Constructor.
@param character This library's name
@param character This library's version (semver)
@param ClientSocket The socket used to execute the request
@param ClientSocketConnectionParameters Connection information for the server used */ |
ABLSocketLibrary (character, character, ClientSocket, ClientSocketConnectionParameters, ClientOptions) |
/** Constructor.
@param character This library's name
@param character This library's version (semver)
@param ClientSocket The socket used to execute the request
@param ClientSocketConnectionParameters Connection information for the server used
@param ClientOptions Options */ |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
CHARACTER LibraryName |
/** (mandatory) A free-text name for this library. Used for the USER-AGENT
string. */ |
CHARACTER LibraryVersion |
/** (mandatory) A free-text semantic version string for this library. Used for the USER-AGENT
string. */ |
OpenEdge.Logging.ILogWriter Logger |
INTEGER miErrorNo_ConnectionFailure |
INTEGER miErrorNo_ConnectionTimeout |
INTEGER miErrorNo_RequestReadTerminated |
INTEGER miErrorNo_RequestReadTimeout |
INTEGER miErrorNo_RequestTimeout |
/* Error numbers for errors returned in this class. Private since this class
alone will use them and read only to avoid anyone messing with them.
A property to prevent changes. */ |
INTEGER miErrorNo_RequestWriteTimeout |
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.ClientOptions Options |
/** Miscellanous options (like timeouts) for this client. May be used to set underlying timeouts */ |
DataReceivedHandler (ClientSocket, SocketReadEventArgs)
Execute (IHttpRequest, IHttpResponse)
ExtractBody (IHttpRequest, ByteBucket)
ExtractEntity (IHttpResponse, ByteBucket)
ReadTerminatedHandler (ClientSocket, SocketReadEventArgs)
ReadTimeoutHandler (ClientSocket, SocketReadEventArgs)
ABLSocketLibrary (character, character, ClientSocket, ClientSocketConnectionParameters)
ABLSocketLibrary (character, character, ClientSocket, ClientSocketConnectionParameters, ClientOptions)
CHARACTER LibraryVersion
OpenEdge.Logging.ILogWriter Logger
INTEGER miErrorNo_ConnectionFailure
INTEGER miErrorNo_ConnectionTimeout
INTEGER miErrorNo_RequestReadTerminated
INTEGER miErrorNo_RequestReadTimeout
INTEGER miErrorNo_RequestTimeout
INTEGER miErrorNo_RequestWriteTimeout
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.ClientOptions Options
Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7