Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
ClearCookies () |
ClearHeaders () |
Progress.Lang.Object GetAdapter (Class) |
/* Returns an adapter for this message
@param P.L.Class The type we want to adapt this message to
@return P.L.Object The adapter. Will typically be of the type specified by the input argument */ |
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.Cookie GetCookie (character) |
INTEGER GetCookies (Cookie[]) |
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.HttpHeader GetHeader (character) |
INTEGER GetHeaders (HttpHeader[]) |
LOGICAL HasCookie (character) |
LOGICAL HasCookie (Cookie) |
LOGICAL HasHeader (character) |
RemoveCookie (character) |
RemoveCookie (Cookie) |
RemoveHeader (character) |
SetCookie (Cookie) |
SetHeader (HttpHeader) |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
HttpResponseDecorator (IHttpResponse) |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
CHARACTER CharacterEncoding |
INTEGER ContentLength |
RAW ContentMD5 |
CHARACTER ContentType |
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse DecoratedHttpResponse |
/* the decorated Request. this can be a decoration or an actual http Request */ |
Progress.Lang.Object Entity |
INTEGER StatusCode |
/** The status of the HTTP response. Section 6.1 */ |
CHARACTER StatusReason |
/** The status reason of the HTTP response. Section 6.1 */ |
CHARACTER TransferEncoding |
ClearCookies ()
ClearHeaders ()
Progress.Lang.Object GetAdapter (Class)
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.Cookie GetCookie (character)
INTEGER GetCookies (Cookie[])
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.HttpHeader GetHeader (character)
INTEGER GetHeaders (HttpHeader[])
LOGICAL HasCookie (character)
LOGICAL HasCookie (Cookie)
LOGICAL HasHeader (character)
RemoveCookie (character)
RemoveCookie (Cookie)
RemoveHeader (character)
SetCookie (Cookie)
SetHeader (HttpHeader)
HttpResponseDecorator (IHttpResponse)
CHARACTER CharacterEncoding
INTEGER ContentLength
RAW ContentMD5
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpResponse DecoratedHttpResponse
Progress.Lang.Object Entity
INTEGER StatusCode
CHARACTER StatusReason
CHARACTER TransferEncoding
Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7