Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
Destroy () |
/* Destroy/Shutdown/Anti-Initializer */ |
Initialize () |
/* Initializer/Startup */ |
InitializeRegistry (BuilderRegistry) |
/** Adds initial values into the registry
@param BuilderRegistry The registry to populate */ |
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationService Instance (character) |
/** Factory method for retrieving an instance of the server.
@param character The (mandatory) API key to enable notifications */ |
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationService Instance (URI, character) |
/** Factory method for retrieving an instance of the server.
@param URI A URI representing the notification server
@param character The (mandatory) API key to enable notifications */ |
ScheduleNotification (character, integer, datetime-tz, logical) |
/** Sends an immediate notification. Defaults to a no-filter query.
@param character The message to be sent.
@param integer The badge counter (only used for iOS).
@param datetime-tz The time at which to send the notification
@param logical Whether the notification should be sent at that time
in a particular timezone, or at that time in the
device's timezone. */ |
SendNotification (character, integer) |
/** Sends an immediate notification. Defaults to a no-filter query.
@param character The message to be sent.
@param integer The badge counter (only used for iOS). */ |
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonConstruct SendNotification (JsonObject) |
/** Sends a notification for a given payload. The payload may be built by one
of the methods in this class, or created by the PushNotificationMessageBuilder
class (which is also used internally).
This method performs the actual request to the Notification Service.
@param JsonObject The notification payload.
@return JsonConstruct The result of the request. Can be an object or array,
depending on success or failure. */ |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
PushNotificationService (URI, character) |
/** Constructor.
@param URI A URI representing the notification server
@param character The (mandatory) API key to enable notifications */ |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
/** (mandatory) The API key for the push notification */ |
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.BuilderRegistry Registry |
/** Registry for mapping build types to their implementations */ |
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpClient RestClient |
/* The library doing the actual work */ |
OpenEdge.Net.URI ServerUri |
/** (mandatory) The host/URI of the notification service */ |
Destroy ()
Initialize ()
InitializeRegistry (BuilderRegistry)
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationService Instance (character)
OpenEdge.Mobile.PushNotificationService Instance (URI, character)
ScheduleNotification (character, integer, datetime-tz, logical)
SendNotification (character, integer)
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonConstruct SendNotification (JsonObject)
PushNotificationService (URI, character)
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.BuilderRegistry Registry
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.IHttpClient RestClient
OpenEdge.Net.URI ServerUri
Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7