CHARACTER Resolve (character)
/* Resolves any tokens in the file name into appropriate values
@param character The source string
@return character The resolved string */
CHARACTER ResolveName (character, character)
/* Resolves a NAME-based token arg, based on the type/logger name given
@param character The token argument for ${NAME.*} tokens
@param character The (type) name to resolve
@return character The resolved string */
CHARACTER ResolveTime (character, character[12], character[12], character[7], character[7], datetime-tz)
/* Resolves a time-based token arg, based on the timestamp given
@param character The token argument for ${T.*} tokens
@param character[12] The long-form month names (ie January)
@param character[12] The short-form month names (ie Jan)
@param character[7] The long-form weekday names (ie Thursday)
@param character[7] The short-form weekday names (ie Thurs)
@param datetime-tz The timestamp to use to resolve the token
@return character The resolved string */
CHARACTER ResolveTime (character, datetime-tz)
/* Resolves a time-based token arg, based on the timestamp given
@param character The token argument for ${T.*} tokens
@param datetime-tz The timestamp to use to resolve the token
@return character The resolved string */
CHARACTER ResolveUser (character, handle)
/* Resolves a CP-based token arg, based on the client-principal.
It is the CALLER's responsibility to clean up the C-P object represented by this handle
@param character The token argument for ${CP.*} tokens
@param handle A user represented by a client-principal
@return character The resolved string */