Options |
Name |
Purpose |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IContextTree CreateContextTree ()
CHARACTER GetArea (character)
CHARACTER GetAreaExpression (handle)
CHARACTER GetAuthenticationSystem (character)
HANDLE GetChildBuffer (handle, character)
/* we could have just used the dataset as of current, but this is more correct
since we want the buffer if it is a child */
HANDLE GetChildQuery (handle, character)
HANDLE GetChildRelation (handle, character)
CHARACTER GetCollectionClass (character)
CHARACTER GetCollectionInstance (character)
CHARACTER GetCollectionName (character)
CHARACTER GetComment (handle, character, character)
CHARACTER GetEntityClass (character)
CHARACTER GetEntityInstance (character)
CHARACTER GetEntityInterface (character)
CHARACTER GetNameExpression (handle)
CHARACTER GetNote (handle)
HANDLE GetPartitionChangeQuery (handle, log)
/* creates a query with changed partitions
@param partition buffer
@param true if search from grandparent (only valid when parent ttPartitionPolicyDetail ) to
precheck all details
CHARACTER GetPolicyAreaExpression ()
CHARACTER GetStateDefault (handle)
CHARACTER GetTable (character)
CHARACTER GetTenantGroup (character)
LOGICAL HasPolicyPartitionChanges (handle)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IContextTree Write (IDataAdminSerializable, character)
writeAddToParent (handle)
WriteBuffer (handle)
WriteCdcChangeTable (handle)
WriteCdcField (handle, handle)
WriteCdcFieldPolicies (handle)
WriteCdcIdentifyingField (handle)
WriteCdcLevel (handle)
WriteCdcState (handle)
WriteCdcTable (character, character, character)
/* The CDC implementation requires owner name as well since the CDC ABL API supports PUB and non-PUB tables */
WriteCode (handle)
WriteCreateInService (handle)
WriteDefs (handle)
WriteErrorHandler ()
WriteField (handle)
WriteHeader (handle)
WriteInit ()
WriteLocalIndexBuffer (handle, handle)
WritePartitionBuffer (handle, handle)
WritePartitionPolicyDetails (handle)
/* end method. */
WritePartitionPolicyFieldBuffer (handle, handle)
/** NOTE : this is actually generating code for the Fields collections
and not the PartitionPolicyFields
(it's the same data just different collections - see implementations)*/
WritePartitionPolicyFields (handle)
WritePartitions (handle, handle)
WriteQuery (handle)
WriteTenantGroupMembers (handle)
WriteTenantGroupMembersBuffer (handle, handle)
/** NOTE : this is actually generating code for the Tenants and TenantGroups collections
and not the tenantGroupMembers
(it's the same data just different collections - see implementations)*/
WriteToFile (IDataAdminSerializable, character, character)
WriteToFile (IDataAdminSerializable, character, character, IPageRequest)
LONGCHAR WriteToLongchar (IDataAdminSerializable, character)
/** incomplete */
WriteToMemptr (IDataAdminSerializable, memptr, character)
/** incomplete */
WriteToStream (IDataAdminSerializable, handle, character)
/** incomplete */