Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
AddChild (IDataAdminModel) |
AddChildrenTo (IContextTree, character, IRequestInfo) |
/* final - control elsewhere
- child management needs cleanup , it is currently (mainly) managed by SkipList and by AddTreeTo
overrides, allowing it to be controlled by overrides here in this state will make it worse */ |
AddChildrenTo (IContextTree, IRequestInfo) |
/* final - control elsewhere
- child management needs cleanup , it is currently (mainly) managed by SkipList and by AddTreeTo
overrides, allowing it to be controlled by overrides here in this state will make it worse */ |
LOGICAL AddEntity (IDataAdminElement) |
/* add entity is Idataadmincontext wrapper for attach called from collection sub classes :add
logical for future general add support (contains check? context check?)
currently collection add is not really in synch with attach that also support just context setting
- see attach
*/ |
AddJoinTo (IContextTree, IDataAdminContext, IRequestInfo) |
AddRowTo (IContextTree, rowid) |
AddTableTo (IContextTree) |
/* final - keep final -
if there is a need to override obverride AddTableTo(tree,requestinfo) */ |
AddTableTo (IContextTree, IRequestInfo) |
AddTreeTo (IContextTree) |
/* final - override AddTreeTo(tree,preq) if necessary */ |
AddTreeTo (IContextTree, character) |
/* final - override AddTreeTo(tree,pollections,requestinfo) if necessary */ |
AddTreeTo (IContextTree, character, IRequestInfo) |
AddTreeTo (IContextTree, IDataAdminContext, character, IRequestInfo) |
AddTreeTo (IContextTree, IDataAdminContext, IRequestInfo) |
AddTreeTo (IContextTree, IRequestInfo) |
AfterTableRefreshed () |
AssertNotNull (Object, character) |
LOGICAL CanCopy (IDataAdminContext) |
/** returns true if the context can be passed to Copy() - see comments about Copy below.
NOTE: Should not validate data, only ensure that the physical TT mmatches and that the
new context is in a transferable state (currently isLocal only)
The purpose of this is to avoid the need to override IDataAdminCollecton:Add and/or AddAll to handle variations
and call CreateRow
@todo - fix existing overrides...
- The assumption is that will be extended with future improvement to collections eliminating the
*/ |
LOGICAL CanFind (character) |
LOGICAL CanFind (integer) |
HANDLE CloneTable () |
CHARACTER ColumnExpression (character, character, character) |
/** convert expression for QueryString - unknown = keep as is
override in subclasses to handle advanced cases */ |
CHARACTER ColumnSortSource (character) |
CHARACTER ColumnSource (character) |
/** qualify columns for QueryString parsing
subclasses should override to handle advanced cases like
qualified collection filters
*/ |
LOGICAL CompareValues (character[], character[], character) |
Copy (IDataAdminContext) |
/** This is not intended for general copy, but used specifically to move new objects/records from local
context to this context (including children). This could be both a local or service context.
A new entity with its own context can be copied/added to a new collection with its own local context.
A new entity with a local context can also be copied directly to the service context.
A new collection is only copied to a service context.
(A new entity without context uses createrow to achieve this)
- The passed context is no longer in use after this operation
refactoring notes- Dec 2013 (also applies to CopyforParent)
AbstractFiltercontext MoveQueries (call back to newcontext now removed and only defined in model -
may change name without fixing this comments) would throw unsupported error (and had no overrides)
so apparently this is only called with model, and the move of unsupported up here does not change behavior
- @todo - keep (in IDataAdmincontext?) with current signature and extend to support query context?
warning - need to understand the publish to query from movequeries ?? probably not needed and unproblematic
*/ |
CopyChildren (IDataAdminModel) |
CopyForParent (IRow, IDataAdminContext) |
/** add foreign key for parent (called from filteredContext:copy with parentvalue)
NOTE: the copy wil copy all records from the passed context assuming all records
belongs to the passed parent value (only local context should be passed)
See refactoring notes Dec 2013 for Copy()
*/ |
CopyNewTableForParent (IRow, handle) |
/* override (usually with static for each) if importnew need to add foreign value */ |
CopyTable (IDataAdminModel) |
/** subclasses must implement CopyTable that throws DataError if
any of the records exists and that works also when the
source (or target) has changes
(temp-table-copy does not handle any of these requirements)
@TODO - protected ?
*/ |
CopyTableForParent (IRow, IDataAdminModel) |
/** @TODO Make abstract -
currently calls default when 1 key since many collections handle parent
with settable <Entity> property. This does not mean that ths is handled.
it's only to ensure old code works and should really throw an error to force
override or actually resolve the key assigment ( .
- override to set from FilteredContext:ParentValue */ |
CreateChildRow (character, character[], character, character[]) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection CreateCollection (character, FilteredContext) |
/** create default collection - override for dedicated child collections */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection CreateCollection (IDataAdminContext) |
/** subclasses must implement factory method for classes */ |
HANDLE CreateDataset () |
HANDLE CreateDataset (character) |
HANDLE CreateDataset (character, log) |
HANDLE CreateDataset (log) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement CreateEntity (IRequestInfo) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.Query.FilteredContext CreateFilteredContext (character) |
/** create default filteredcontext that also handles parent/keyvalue as filter. */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.Query.FilteredContext CreateFilteredContext (IRequestInfo) |
/** create default filteredcontext with requestinfo */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.Query.FilteredContext CreateFilteredContext (IRow, IRequestInfo) |
/** Create filtered context for parent row */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Error.IllegalArgumentError CreateFindError (character, integer, IRequestInfo) |
LOGICAL CreateFromJson (character, character[], character, JSONObject) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement CreateRootEntity () |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement CreateRootEntity (character) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement CreateRootEntity (integer) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement CreateRootEntity (IRequestInfo) |
CreateRootRow () |
CreateRootRow (character) |
/** Create row with key - used by CreateRootEntity */ |
CreateRootRow (integer) |
/** Create row with key - used by CreateRootEntity */ |
CreateRootRow (IRequestInfo) |
/** Create row with IRequestInfo - used by CreateRootEntity */ |
CreateRow (IDataAdminElement) |
CreateRowForParent (IRow, IDataAdminElement) |
/* override to handle parent data - currently calles regu
@todo- make abstract and force every subclass to deal with it OR make it generic
*/ |
HANDLE CreateSaveDataset () |
/* override to save child context not in default child list mChildContextList */ |
HANDLE CreateServerDataset () |
/* final - not in use in any default case currently so no point overriding
- see and use GetRequestDataset */ |
HANDLE CreateServerDataset (character) |
DataRefreshed (IFetchResponse) |
LOGICAL Delete (character) |
LOGICAL Delete (character[]) |
/** Delete
@param name extent for multi-component keys
*/ |
LOGICAL Delete (integer) |
/** Delete
*/ |
INTEGER Deserialize (handle, integer, character) |
LOGICAL DeserializeRow (handle) |
LOGICAL DeserializeRow (handle, log) |
Destroy () |
LOGICAL Detach (IDataAdminElement) |
Export (character, character) |
/*** not in use yet
/* exportlist is the opposite of export in the sense that the second paramter is displayed fields */
method public void ExportList(pcfile as char,pcDispfields as char):
define variable cHiddenList as character no-undo.
cHiddenList = HiddenColumns(pcDispFields).
end method.
*/ |
ExportLastSaved (character) |
ExportLastSavedTree (character) |
ExportNormalized (character) |
FetchData (IFetchRequest) |
/* end method. */ |
FetchData (IFetchRequest, ServiceAdapter, IDataAdminService) |
FetchFilteredData (FilteredContext) |
FillData (IFetchRequest) |
LOGICAL Find (character) |
LOGICAL Find (character[]) |
LOGICAL Find (integer) |
LOGICAL Find (IRequestInfo) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (character) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (character, IRequestInfo) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (character[]) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (character[], IRequestInfo) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (handle) |
/** find the entity (factory method - data already avail )
Is considered internal.
@param handle buffer that points to the record to find the entity for */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (handle, IRequestInfo) |
/** find the entity (factory method - data already avail )
Is considered internal.
@param handle buffer that points to the record to find the entity for */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (integer) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (integer, IRequestInfo) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (IRequestInfo) |
CHARACTER FindExpression (character) |
/** default find expression assumes there is a name field
override in context with different key name or more complex logic */ |
CHARACTER FindExpression (integer) |
/** override in context with integer key */ |
LOGICAL FindOrCreateFromJson (character, character[], character, JSONObject) |
LOGICAL FindOrCreateFromJson (character, character[], character, JSONObject, log) |
LOGICAL FindOrCreateFromJson (character, JSONObject) |
LOGICAL FindOrigin (rowid) |
/** FindOrigin - find row from origin rowid in row extracted with getchanges
@param rOriginid rowid from row in change dataset */ |
ROWID FindRidAndRemoveOtherAfterBuffers (handle, character) |
ROWID FindRidAndRemoveOtherAfterBuffers (handle, IRow) |
ROWID FindRidAndRemoveOtherAfterBuffers (handle, rowid) |
FireContextRefreshed () |
FireContextRefreshed (ITableResponse) |
ForeignKeyChanged (IRowChange) |
HANDLE GetChanges (handle) |
method protected handle CreateUpdateQuery(phBuffer as handle):
define variable hQuery as handle no-undo.
define variable hBuffer as handle no-undo.
define variable cQuery as char no-undo.
define variable hBuffers as handle extent no-undo.
define variable i as integer no-undo.
create Query hQuery.
hBuffers = GetQueryHandles(phBuffer:serialize-name).
do i = 1 to extent(hBuffers):
if phbuffer:table-handle:origin-handle = hBuffers[i]:table-handle then
hBuffer = phBuffer.
/* if i > 1 then /* there should not be any, but there is currently nothing that prevents this */ */
/* undo, throw new UnsupportedOperationError("Save of query where update table is not first.").*/
/* create buffer hBuffer for table phbuffer. */
create buffer hBuffer for table hbuffers[i].
return hQuery.
end method.
*/ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel GetChild (character) |
/** final overridw with getNamedChild */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetChildCollection (IRow, character) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetChildCollection (IRow, IRequestInfo) |
CHARACTER GetChildFieldsFromJoin (character) |
CHARACTER GetChildJoinExpression (IRow, character) |
CHARACTER GetChildJoinFields (character) |
CHARACTER GetChildQuery (IRow) |
/** returns the query with the values inserted according to GetJoinFields
@param parentRow IRow of psarent */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.IFetchRequest GetChildRequest (IRow) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel GetChildWithRequestInfo (character, IRequestInfo) |
/** get a child by name - Will add or append to request info if the passed name is supported in GetNamedQuery */ |
CHARACTER GetClientJoinFields (character) |
/* override for external join - for example json import */ |
CHARACTER GetClientKeyFields () |
/* Client key - external key - for import
now this should really be a property...
method is used since it is rarely overridden */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetCollection () |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetCollection (character) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetCollection (IRequestInfo) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetCollection (IRow, IRequestInfo) |
CHARACTER GetCreateError (character) |
CHARACTER GetCreateError (IDataAdminElement, character) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetCreateRowRequest () |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetCreateRowRequest (IRow) |
CHARACTER GetCurrentKeyValues () |
HANDLE GetDeleteRowChanges (IRow, IRequestInfo) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetDeleteRowRequest (IRow, IRequestInfo) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement GetEntity (character) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement GetEntity (integer) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement GetEntity (IRequestInfo) |
CHARACTER GetFieldExpression (character, character) |
CHARACTER GetFieldExpression (character, character[]) |
CHARACTER GetFieldsFromJoin (character, log) |
/* public to be used from AbstractFilteredContext - @todo - move to some utility */ |
CHARACTER GetJoinExpression (character, character) |
CHARACTER GetJoinExpression (IRow, character) |
CHARACTER GetJoinFields (character) |
CHARACTER GetJoinQuery (character) |
/** returns a query with a join expression based on GetJoinFields
@param serializename of parent */ |
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJSONExport (IContextTree) |
/* optional call back from context tree.
called when parse is complete
override to return json to export instead of dataset
returns unknown to use standard dataset. write-json */ |
CHARACTER GetKeyValues (handle) |
CHARACTER GetKeyWhere (character[]) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel GetNamedChild (character) |
/** Override to return a child context that is not included in the default getchildren ,
but can be requested by getChild and GetChildCollection and AddChildrenTo overloads that
support a list of collections */ |
CHARACTER GetNamedQuery (character) |
/** Override to return a query for a subset of the context */ |
CHARACTER GetNamedQueryName (character) |
/** Override to return correct cased name for a named query */ |
CHARACTER GetParentFieldsFromJoin (character) |
CHARACTER GetParentJoinFields (character) |
CHARACTER GetParentKey (handle) |
HANDLE GetQueryHandles (character) |
/** Get default buffer handles
to use in child query for parent
- must match order of GetChildQuery
@param serializename of parent
*/ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.IFetchRequest GetRequest () |
HANDLE GetRequestDataset () |
/* Daaset used by getRequest - ideally this should use CreateServerDataset, but this was the default
so this needs to be overridden to use CreateServerDataset or create one entirely different
@todo - future - remove this and make getRequest use CreateServerDataset().
- when all context have overrides.. or when it can be tested properly. */ |
CHARACTER GetRowState (handle) |
method private void LoopRelation(phRel as handle):
define variable hParent as handle no-undo.
define variable hBuffer as handle no-undo.
define variable hBefore as handle no-undo.
define variable cRelFields as character no-undo.
define variable cValues as character extent no-undo.
define variable cField as character no-undo.
define variable cFields as character no-undo.
define variable hField as handle no-undo.
define variable i as integer no-undo.
define variable hBefQuery as handle no-undo.
define variable beforeQuery as BeforeQuery no-undo.
define variable cBefQuery as character no-undo.
hParent = phRel:parent-buffer.
hBuffer = phRel:child-buffer.
cRelFields = phRel:relation-fields.
extent(cValues) = int(num-entries(cRelFields) / 2).
do i = 1 to extent(cValues):
cField = entry((i * 2) - 1,cRelFields).
cFields = cFields + (if i = 1 then "" else ",")
+ hParent:name + "." + cField.
hField = hParent:buffer-field(cfield).
cValues[i] = hField:buffer-value.
hBefore = hbuffer:before-buffer.
hBefQuery = CreateUpdateQuery(hBefore).
beforeQuery = new BeforeQuery(phRel:query:prepare-string,cfields,cValues).
cBefQuery = beforeQuery:GetQueryString().
hBefQuery:query-prepare (cBefQuery).
/* LoopBeforeQuery(hBefQuery).*/
end method.
*/ |
HANDLE GetSaveChanges (character) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetSaveRequest () |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetSaveRequest (character) |
HANDLE GetSaveRowChanges (character, IRequestInfo) |
HANDLE GetSaveRowChanges (IRow, IRequestInfo, integer) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetSaveRowRequest (character, IRequestInfo) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetSaveRowRequest (IRow, IRequestInfo) |
CHARACTER GetServerChildQuery (IRow) |
/** returns the server query with the values inserted according to GetServerJoinFields
@param parentRow IRow of psarent */ |
CHARACTER GetServerJoinFields (character) |
/* override if server side join is different - */ |
CHARACTER GetServerJoinQuery (character) |
/** returns a query with a join expression based on GetServerJoinFields
@param serializename of parent */ |
HANDLE GetUrlColumns (logical) |
CHARACTER GetUrlFieldNames () |
/* */ |
CHARACTER GetValues (handle, character) |
CHARACTER GetWhere (character, character[]) |
/* Use for find expressions.
Final - Override ColumnExpression hook called from here (which is ignored
if it returns the default ?)
*/ |
HandleParseError (Error, character) |
LOGICAL HasChanges () |
HANDLE HideColumns (character) |
HANDLE HideUrlColumns () |
Import (character, character) |
/* single table import of the entity (flat - no tree)*/ |
Import (JsonObject, character) |
/* single table import of the entity (flat - no tree)*/ |
ImportDelete (character) |
/* single table import of delete (flat - no tree)*/ |
ImportForParent (IRow, character) |
/* single table import of the entity from query/filtered context
(flat - no tree ?? will probably work with tree if no root )
replace mode
Adds forein value to all records from the passed parameters.
pcParent - parent serializename
pcValue - parent key - foreign value
*/ |
ImportForParent (IRow, JsonObject) |
ImportNewForParent (IRow, character) |
ImportNewForParent (IRow, JsonObject) |
ImportRow (character, character) |
/* single row import of the entity (flat no tree) */ |
ImportRow (character, character[]) |
/* single row import of the entity (flat no tree) */ |
ImportRow (character, integer) |
/* single row import of the entity (flat no tree) */ |
ImportRowTree (character, character) |
ImportRowTree (character, character[]) |
ImportRowTree (character, integer) |
ImportTree (character, character) |
/* import of JSON tree with root */ |
ImportTree (JsonObject, character) |
/* import of JSON tree */ |
HANDLE InitDataset () |
/* Called from DatasetHandle getter temporary until all sub classes are using this */ |
InitNewError (Error, character) |
InitRow () |
/** Create row - used by CreateRootRow - override if needed */ |
InitRow (character) |
/** Create row with key - used by CreateRootRow */ |
InitRow (integer) |
/** Create row with key - used by CreateRootRow */ |
InitRow (IRequestInfo) |
/** Create row with key - used by CreateRootRow */ |
CHARACTER IntegerExpression (character, character, character) |
/* call from ColumnExpression override for columns that only can have some values and we want to validate the query */ |
LOGICAL IsModeAppend (character) |
MergeChanges (handle) |
/* @Deprecated */ |
MergeChanges (handle, handle) |
/* @TODO merge data in child context properly - not just set LastSaved */ |
MergeChanges (ISaveRequest) |
/* @TODO merge data in child context */ |
CHARACTER MetaData () |
MoveQueries (IDataAdminModel) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection NewCollection () |
Progress.Lang.Error NullError (character, character) |
OnBeforeDelete () |
OnRowCreated () |
OnRowDeleted () |
PrepareLastSavedTree (IDataTree, handle) |
ReadChild (IRow, JSONObject) |
ReadChild (IRow, JSONObject, character) |
ReadChildren (JSONObject) |
ReadField (JSONObject, handle) |
/** read a buffer field from json */ |
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray ReadJsonArray (JsonObject) |
/** supports single row in cases that also must handle table */ |
CHARACTER ReadJsonCharValue (character, JSONObject) |
/* @todo throw errr when not found - needs testing */ |
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject ReadJsonFile (character) |
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject ReadJsonRoot (character) |
/* public - to be used as utility by collection */ |
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject ReadJsonRow (character, log) |
/** ReadJsonRow returns the single object from the JSON file.
The object can be in an array (prodataset style) or be a true
object in the file.
Throws an error if there is an array with more than one element */ |
ReadKey (JsonObject, character) |
/** Read key will check if the key in json matches current row
The action for a non matching key depends on the CanEditKey property
- Throws error if CanEditKey = false
- Change key and publish to children if CanEditKey = true */ |
ReadRow (character) |
/* import single row */ |
ReadRow (JSONObject) |
ReadRow (JSONObject, character) |
ReadRowForParent (IRow, JSONObject) |
/* override to add foreign value */ |
ReadRowTree (character) |
/** read current row from json file with children */ |
ReadTable (JsonObject, character, log) |
CHARACTER ReadValuesFromJson (JsonObject, character) |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement RealizeEntity () |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement RealizeEntity (IRequestInfo) |
ReceiveBuffer (handle) |
RegisterRow (rowid) |
LOGICAL Remove () |
/** remove row */ |
LOGICAL Remove (handle) |
RemoveAfterBuffers (handle) |
RemoveBeforeChanges (handle) |
/** keep client changes - remove corresponding records in received new table */ |
RemoveDatasetChildren (handle) |
/** currently used to delete non applicable data for change and
regular cascade when deleting row from service
(the latter need to be replaced/improved - see comment in Remove) */ |
RemoveDatasetRow (handle) |
/** remove row */ |
RemoveDeletes (handle, IRow) |
INTEGER Serialize (handle) |
SerializeRow (handle) |
SerializeRow (handle, handle) |
LOGICAL SetProperty (rowid, character, character) |
/** set a property
@param rowid the rowid of the tt
@param name property name
@param value value
*/ |
SetTreeOptions (IDataTree) |
/* hook for tree */ |
SetValues (handle, character, character[]) |
CHARACTER ShowValues (character[]) |
LOGICAL SynchWithHandle (handle) |
HANDLE TrackDataset (handle, log) |
/* Note returns an array for each table - with unknown if tracking was not changed */ |
TrackTables (handle[], log) |
TransferMatchingRequests (IRequestInfo, IFetchRequest) |
TransferMatchingRequests (IRequestInfo[], IFetchRequest) |
CHARACTER TransformQuery (character) |
CHARACTER TransformQuery (character, character, IQueryMAp) |
CHARACTER TrimQuery (character) |
/* remove for or preselect from query - duplicated in FilteredContext */ |
ValidateBuffer (handle) |
ValidateChanges (handle) |
ValidateProperty (character, character, character) |
/** override to validate other fields - make sure to call super */ |
ValidateQueryChanges (handle) |
ValidateRelationChanges (handle, IRequestInfo) |
ValidateRowChanges (handle, IRequestInfo) |
LOGICAL ValidValue (character, character) |
/** currently used by integerExpression only
override in subclasses if validation needed in query */ |
LOGICAL ValidValue (character, int64) |
/** currently used by integerExpression only
override in subclasses if validation needed in query */ |
LOGICAL ValidValue (character, integer) |
/** currently used by integerExpression only
override in subclasses if validation needed in query */ |
LOGICAL ValidValue (character, logical) |
CHARACTER ValidValueList (character) |
/** currently used by integerExpression only
override in subclasses if validation needed in query */ |
ValueChanged (character, character, character) |
/** override to manage change - not intended fro validation - validation should have been done */ |
ViewHiddenColumns (handle[]) |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
DataAdminContext (character) |
DataAdminContext (character, IContextScope) |
DataAdminContext (character, IContextScope, logical) |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
LOGICAL CanEditKey |
LOGICAL CanGenerateCode |
/** can genarate code */ |
unique content identifier, exposed as Sourceid in collections.
Used to isolate updates in context.
Is the same as the Id for the Model itself
*/ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.Factory.IContextScope ContextScope |
HANDLE DatasetHandle |
CHARACTER EntityFieldName |
LOGICAL ExportWithRoot |
/** currently root is default in write-json (dataset did not support this in first release - UI need to support old versions) */ |
/* unique identifier, exposed as contextid for comparison
of collections and entities */ |
LOGICAL IsDatasetLoaded |
LOGICAL IsLocalShared |
HANDLE IteratorHandle |
/** iteratorHandle implements IIterable allows IIterator to use existing query or tablehandle */ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.DataAdminJsonUtil JsonUtil |
LOGICAL KeepInstances |
/** KeepInstances decides whether to keep a reference to the entity in the tt.
Set to true since as of current entities are not garbage collected due to the subscribtion
to events here, so keeping them in TT does not add make any difference.
There are thus probably no benefits from not keeping the reference here and it does
improve performance if the object is retrieved more than once. */ |
LOGICAL LastImportNoTopArray |
/* keeps track of last import in order to export it with same format in ExportLastSavedTree */ |
HANDLE LastSavedDataset |
/* set to false if retrieved with parent on intstantiation */ |
LOGICAL Loaded |
CHARACTER NextPosition |
LOGICAL PageRequested |
/* true on a secondary page request (not on the first request with only limit ) */ |
CHARACTER PrevPosition |
LOGICAL ReadOnly |
/* set to false if retrieved with parent on instantiation */ |
CHARACTER ReadOnlyFieldNames |
ROWID RootId |
CHARACTER SerializeName |
/* private set.*/ |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminService Service |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.ServiceAdapter ServiceAdapter |
/* should be used to exclude child objects that have double representation in the context
i.e. tenants skips its own users because domains will provide users */ |
/* IIterable */ |
HANDLE TableHandle |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.ServiceAdapter TargetAdapter |
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminService TargetService |
INT64 Total |
AddChild (IDataAdminModel)
AddChildrenTo (IContextTree, character, IRequestInfo)
AddChildrenTo (IContextTree, IRequestInfo)
LOGICAL AddEntity (IDataAdminElement)
AddJoinTo (IContextTree, IDataAdminContext, IRequestInfo)
AddRowTo (IContextTree, rowid)
AddTableTo (IContextTree)
AddTableTo (IContextTree, IRequestInfo)
AddTreeTo (IContextTree)
AddTreeTo (IContextTree, character)
AddTreeTo (IContextTree, character, IRequestInfo)
AddTreeTo (IContextTree, IDataAdminContext, character, IRequestInfo)
AddTreeTo (IContextTree, IDataAdminContext, IRequestInfo)
AddTreeTo (IContextTree, IRequestInfo)
AfterTableRefreshed ()
AssertNotNull (Object, character)
LOGICAL CanCopy (IDataAdminContext)
LOGICAL CanFind (character)
LOGICAL CanFind (integer)
HANDLE CloneTable ()
CHARACTER ColumnExpression (character, character, character)
CHARACTER ColumnSortSource (character)
CHARACTER ColumnSource (character)
LOGICAL CompareValues (character[], character[], character)
Copy (IDataAdminContext)
CopyChildren (IDataAdminModel)
CopyForParent (IRow, IDataAdminContext)
CopyNewTableForParent (IRow, handle)
CopyTable (IDataAdminModel)
CopyTableForParent (IRow, IDataAdminModel)
CreateChildRow (character, character[], character, character[])
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection CreateCollection (character, FilteredContext)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection CreateCollection (IDataAdminContext)
HANDLE CreateDataset ()
HANDLE CreateDataset (character)
HANDLE CreateDataset (character, log)
HANDLE CreateDataset (log)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement CreateEntity (IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.Query.FilteredContext CreateFilteredContext (character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.Query.FilteredContext CreateFilteredContext (IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.Query.FilteredContext CreateFilteredContext (IRow, IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Error.IllegalArgumentError CreateFindError (character, integer, IRequestInfo)
LOGICAL CreateFromJson (character, character[], character, JSONObject)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement CreateRootEntity ()
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement CreateRootEntity (character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement CreateRootEntity (integer)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement CreateRootEntity (IRequestInfo)
CreateRootRow ()
CreateRootRow (character)
CreateRootRow (integer)
CreateRootRow (IRequestInfo)
CreateRow (IDataAdminElement)
CreateRowForParent (IRow, IDataAdminElement)
HANDLE CreateSaveDataset ()
HANDLE CreateServerDataset ()
HANDLE CreateServerDataset (character)
DataRefreshed (IFetchResponse)
LOGICAL Delete (character)
LOGICAL Delete (character[])
LOGICAL Delete (integer)
INTEGER Deserialize (handle, integer, character)
LOGICAL DeserializeRow (handle)
LOGICAL DeserializeRow (handle, log)
Destroy ()
LOGICAL Detach (IDataAdminElement)
Export (character, character)
ExportLastSaved (character)
ExportLastSavedTree (character)
ExportNormalized (character)
FetchData (IFetchRequest)
FetchData (IFetchRequest, ServiceAdapter, IDataAdminService)
FetchFilteredData (FilteredContext)
FillData (IFetchRequest)
LOGICAL Find (character)
LOGICAL Find (character[])
LOGICAL Find (integer)
LOGICAL Find (IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (character, IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (character[])
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (character[], IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (handle)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (handle, IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (integer)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (integer, IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement FindEntity (IRequestInfo)
CHARACTER FindExpression (character)
CHARACTER FindExpression (integer)
LOGICAL FindOrCreateFromJson (character, character[], character, JSONObject)
LOGICAL FindOrCreateFromJson (character, character[], character, JSONObject, log)
LOGICAL FindOrCreateFromJson (character, JSONObject)
LOGICAL FindOrigin (rowid)
ROWID FindRidAndRemoveOtherAfterBuffers (handle, character)
ROWID FindRidAndRemoveOtherAfterBuffers (handle, IRow)
ROWID FindRidAndRemoveOtherAfterBuffers (handle, rowid)
FireContextRefreshed ()
FireContextRefreshed (ITableResponse)
ForeignKeyChanged (IRowChange)
HANDLE GetChanges (handle)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel GetChild (character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetChildCollection (IRow, character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetChildCollection (IRow, IRequestInfo)
CHARACTER GetChildFieldsFromJoin (character)
CHARACTER GetChildJoinExpression (IRow, character)
CHARACTER GetChildJoinFields (character)
CHARACTER GetChildQuery (IRow)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.IFetchRequest GetChildRequest (IRow)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel GetChildWithRequestInfo (character, IRequestInfo)
CHARACTER GetClientJoinFields (character)
CHARACTER GetClientKeyFields ()
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetCollection ()
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetCollection (character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetCollection (IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection GetCollection (IRow, IRequestInfo)
CHARACTER GetCreateError (character)
CHARACTER GetCreateError (IDataAdminElement, character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetCreateRowRequest ()
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetCreateRowRequest (IRow)
CHARACTER GetCurrentKeyValues ()
HANDLE GetDeleteRowChanges (IRow, IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetDeleteRowRequest (IRow, IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement GetEntity (character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement GetEntity (integer)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement GetEntity (IRequestInfo)
CHARACTER GetFieldExpression (character, character)
CHARACTER GetFieldExpression (character, character[])
CHARACTER GetFieldsFromJoin (character, log)
CHARACTER GetJoinExpression (character, character)
CHARACTER GetJoinExpression (IRow, character)
CHARACTER GetJoinFields (character)
CHARACTER GetJoinQuery (character)
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJSONExport (IContextTree)
CHARACTER GetKeyValues (handle)
CHARACTER GetKeyWhere (character[])
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.IDataAdminModel GetNamedChild (character)
CHARACTER GetNamedQuery (character)
CHARACTER GetNamedQueryName (character)
CHARACTER GetParentFieldsFromJoin (character)
CHARACTER GetParentJoinFields (character)
CHARACTER GetParentKey (handle)
HANDLE GetQueryHandles (character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.IFetchRequest GetRequest ()
HANDLE GetRequestDataset ()
CHARACTER GetRowState (handle)
HANDLE GetSaveChanges (character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetSaveRequest ()
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetSaveRequest (character)
HANDLE GetSaveRowChanges (character, IRequestInfo)
HANDLE GetSaveRowChanges (IRow, IRequestInfo, integer)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetSaveRowRequest (character, IRequestInfo)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Message.ISaveRequest GetSaveRowRequest (IRow, IRequestInfo)
CHARACTER GetServerChildQuery (IRow)
CHARACTER GetServerJoinFields (character)
CHARACTER GetServerJoinQuery (character)
HANDLE GetUrlColumns (logical)
CHARACTER GetUrlFieldNames ()
CHARACTER GetValues (handle, character)
CHARACTER GetWhere (character, character[])
HandleParseError (Error, character)
LOGICAL HasChanges ()
HANDLE HideColumns (character)
HANDLE HideUrlColumns ()
Import (character, character)
Import (JsonObject, character)
ImportDelete (character)
ImportForParent (IRow, character)
ImportForParent (IRow, JsonObject)
ImportNewForParent (IRow, character)
ImportNewForParent (IRow, JsonObject)
ImportRow (character, character)
ImportRow (character, character[])
ImportRow (character, integer)
ImportRowTree (character, character)
ImportRowTree (character, character[])
ImportRowTree (character, integer)
ImportTree (character, character)
ImportTree (JsonObject, character)
HANDLE InitDataset ()
InitNewError (Error, character)
InitRow ()
InitRow (character)
InitRow (integer)
InitRow (IRequestInfo)
CHARACTER IntegerExpression (character, character, character)
LOGICAL IsModeAppend (character)
MergeChanges (handle)
MergeChanges (handle, handle)
MergeChanges (ISaveRequest)
MoveQueries (IDataAdminModel)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminCollection NewCollection ()
Progress.Lang.Error NullError (character, character)
OnBeforeDelete ()
OnRowCreated ()
OnRowDeleted ()
PrepareLastSavedTree (IDataTree, handle)
ReadChild (IRow, JSONObject)
ReadChild (IRow, JSONObject, character)
ReadChildren (JSONObject)
ReadField (JSONObject, handle)
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray ReadJsonArray (JsonObject)
CHARACTER ReadJsonCharValue (character, JSONObject)
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject ReadJsonFile (character)
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject ReadJsonRoot (character)
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject ReadJsonRow (character, log)
ReadKey (JsonObject, character)
ReadRow (character)
ReadRow (JSONObject)
ReadRow (JSONObject, character)
ReadRowForParent (IRow, JSONObject)
ReadRowTree (character)
ReadTable (JsonObject, character, log)
CHARACTER ReadValuesFromJson (JsonObject, character)
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement RealizeEntity ()
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminElement RealizeEntity (IRequestInfo)
ReceiveBuffer (handle)
RegisterRow (rowid)
LOGICAL Remove ()
LOGICAL Remove (handle)
RemoveAfterBuffers (handle)
RemoveBeforeChanges (handle)
RemoveDatasetChildren (handle)
RemoveDatasetRow (handle)
RemoveDeletes (handle, IRow)
INTEGER Serialize (handle)
SerializeRow (handle)
SerializeRow (handle, handle)
LOGICAL SetProperty (rowid, character, character)
SetTreeOptions (IDataTree)
SetValues (handle, character, character[])
CHARACTER ShowValues (character[])
LOGICAL SynchWithHandle (handle)
HANDLE TrackDataset (handle, log)
TrackTables (handle[], log)
TransferMatchingRequests (IRequestInfo, IFetchRequest)
TransferMatchingRequests (IRequestInfo[], IFetchRequest)
CHARACTER TransformQuery (character)
CHARACTER TransformQuery (character, character, IQueryMAp)
CHARACTER TrimQuery (character)
ValidateBuffer (handle)
ValidateChanges (handle)
ValidateProperty (character, character, character)
ValidateQueryChanges (handle)
ValidateRelationChanges (handle, IRequestInfo)
ValidateRowChanges (handle, IRequestInfo)
LOGICAL ValidValue (character, character)
LOGICAL ValidValue (character, int64)
LOGICAL ValidValue (character, integer)
LOGICAL ValidValue (character, logical)
CHARACTER ValidValueList (character)
ValueChanged (character, character, character)
ViewHiddenColumns (handle[])
DataAdminContext (character)
DataAdminContext (character, IContextScope)
DataAdminContext (character, IContextScope, logical)
AddedToContext (IDataAdminModel)
BeforeDelete (rowid)
ContextDeleted ()
ContextRefreshed (ITableResponse)
KeyChanged (IRowChange)
RowCreated ()
RowDeleted ()
SearchQuery (character, IDataAdminContext)
SearchRequest (IRequestInfo, character, character[], IDataAdminContext)
LOGICAL CanGenerateCode
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.Factory.IContextScope ContextScope
HANDLE DatasetHandle
CHARACTER EntityFieldName
LOGICAL ExportWithRoot
LOGICAL IsDatasetLoaded
LOGICAL IsLocalShared
HANDLE IteratorHandle
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.DataAdminJsonUtil JsonUtil
LOGICAL KeepInstances
LOGICAL LastImportNoTopArray
HANDLE LastSavedDataset
CHARACTER NextPosition
LOGICAL PageRequested
CHARACTER PrevPosition
CHARACTER ReadOnlyFieldNames
CHARACTER SerializeName
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminService Service
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.ServiceAdapter ServiceAdapter
HANDLE TableHandle
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.Binding.ServiceAdapter TargetAdapter
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IDataAdminService TargetService
INT64 Total
Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7