Namespace: OpenEdge.BusinessRules
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implements: OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.IConnectionParameters

Purpose:Purposed connection parameters for connecting to a Rules Server
Created:Thu Feb 28 15:07:49 EST 2013
Notes:* The Options property contains JSON data, which for a Rules Server Connection must have
the following structure
{ "URL": Parameters as per OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.WebServiceConnectionParameters
OR a host name like "http://localhost:8980/"
OR a simple pathed URL like "http://localhost:8980/axis/services/"
OR something else in the future
specified. Note that if a WSDL is specified, it overrides the value specified by the URL property
{"WSDL": Parameters as per OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.WebServiceConnectionParameters,
which includes a simple string like "wsdl/CorticonExecuteMod.wsdl"
thus overriding the value or the URL property. The URL property is always
used for the Admin Service.
default paths or queries added to it.
absence of a WSDL property.
Path: /axis/services/<ServiceName>
ServiceName: either Corticon or CorticonAdmin
Query: ?wsdl
If the URL property is in one of the following formats, this
object will add the necessary default values to allow a call
to a Corticon Server.
- No path, no query: eg http://localhost:8980
- Matching path: eg http://localhost:8980/axis/services
- No path, no WSDL query: eg http://localhost:8980?name1=value1
In all of these cases, the URL will be modified with the missing
parts. For example, the resulting Decision Service URL will be
The protocol, host, port and user/password aspects of the URL
are not modified. Only the path and query may change.
property specified, the Admin Service cannot be contacted and thus
any Admin Service APIs will throw an error.
Decision Service connection

Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
AddServiceWsdl (JsonObject, character)
CHARACTER GetConnectionString () /** Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect. This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter. @return character A useable string of connection parameters. */
CHARACTER GetConnectionString (character) /** Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect. This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter. @param character The format mask to use. Typically overrides the mask specified by the property. @return character A useable string of connection parameters. */
CHARACTER GetConnectionString (FormatMaskEnum) /** Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect. This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter. @param FormatMaskEnum The format mask to use. Overrides the mask specified by the property. @return character A useable string of connection parameters. */
Initialise (JsonObject)
ShadowConstructor (JsonObject) /** Shadow constructor for this class. Used instead of a real constructor since some transformations have to happen before its called, and since a constructor must be invoked first via SUPER or THIS-OBJECT, there's no room for those transformations. @param JsonObject The options in JSON form */

Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
RulesServerConnectionParameters (character)
RulesServerConnectionParameters (JsonObject)

Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.IConnectionParameters AdminServiceConnectionParameters
OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.IConnectionParameters DecisionServiceConnectionParameters
OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.FormatMaskEnum FormatMask /** The FormatMask property contains a mask to be used together with the ABL SUBSTITUTE function. It can include up to 9 substitutions (&1-&9) and should also include any key/value pair separators (space, usually). */

Method Detail

AddServiceWsdl (JsonObject, character)

poOptions Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject
pcServiceName CHARACTER

CHARACTER GetConnectionString ()

Purpose: Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect.
This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter.
character A useable string of connection parameters.

CHARACTER GetConnectionString (character)

Purpose: Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect.
This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter.
specified by the property.
pcFormatMask CHARACTER
character A useable string of connection parameters.

CHARACTER GetConnectionString (FormatMaskEnum)

Purpose: Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect.
This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter.
specified by the property.
poFormatMask OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.FormatMaskEnum
character A useable string of connection parameters.

Initialise (JsonObject)

poOptions Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject

ShadowConstructor (JsonObject)

Purpose: Shadow constructor for this class. Used instead of a real constructor since some transformations
have to happen before its called, and since a constructor must be invoked first via SUPER or THIS-OBJECT,
there's no room for those transformations.
poOptions Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject

Constructor Detail

RulesServerConnectionParameters (character)


RulesServerConnectionParameters (JsonObject)

poOptions Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject

Property Detail

OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.IConnectionParameters AdminServiceConnectionParameters

Returns OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.IConnectionParameters

OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.IConnectionParameters DecisionServiceConnectionParameters

Returns OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.IConnectionParameters

OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.FormatMaskEnum FormatMask

Purpose: The FormatMask property contains a mask to be used together with
the ABL SUBSTITUTE function. It can include up to 9 substitutions (&1-&9)
and should also include any key/value pair separators (space, usually).
Returns OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.FormatMaskEnum

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Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7