Namespace: OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implements: OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.IConnectionParameters

Copyright (c) 2013 by Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
Purpose:Standard Connection Parameters
Created:Thu Feb 28 15:07:49 EST 2013
Notes:* The Options property contains JSON data.
This Json Data is structured as follows:
{"option1":"value1", "option2":"value2", ..., "optionN":"valueN"}
the ABL SUBSTITUTE function. It can include up to 9 substitutions (&1-&9)
and should also include any key/value pair separators (space, usually).

Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
# CHARACTER GetConnectionString () /** Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect. This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter. @return character A useable string of connection parameters. */
# CHARACTER GetConnectionString (character) /** Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect. This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter. @param character The format mask to use. Overrides the mask specified by the property. @return character A useable string of connection parameters. */
# CHARACTER GetConnectionString (FormatMaskEnum) /** Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect. This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter. @param FormatMaskEnum The format mask to use. Overrides the mask specified by the property. @return character A useable string of connection parameters. */
# CHARACTER GetConnectionString (JsonObject, character) /** Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect. This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter. @param JsonObject Options in JSON format. @param character The format mask to use. @return character A useable string of connection parameters. */
Initialise () /** Use this method for setting initial or default values, or other similar actions */
+ ShadowConstructor (JsonObject, FormatMaskEnum) /** Shadow constructor for this class. Used instead of a real constructor since some transformations have to happen before its called, and since a constructor must be invoked first via SUPER or THIS-OBJECT, there's no room for those transformations. @param JsonObject The options in JSON form @param FormatMaskEnum The Format mask to use for this connection. */

Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
# ConnectionParameters (character, FormatMaskEnum)
# ConnectionParameters (JsonObject, FormatMaskEnum)

Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
# OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.FormatMaskEnum FormatMask /** The FormatMask property contains a mask to be used together with the ABL SUBSTITUTE function. It can include up to 9 substitutions (&1-&9) and should also include any key/value pair separators (space, usually). */
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject Options /** A set of options for a Server Connection */
CHARACTER ResolvedOptions /* Resolved connection parameters. For use where the Options only need to be resolved once. */

Method Detail

PROTECTED CHARACTER GetConnectionString ()

Purpose: Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect.
This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter.
character A useable string of connection parameters.

PROTECTED CHARACTER GetConnectionString (character)

Purpose: Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect.
This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter.
specified by the property.
pcFormatMask CHARACTER
character A useable string of connection parameters.

PROTECTED CHARACTER GetConnectionString (FormatMaskEnum)

Purpose: Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect.
This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter.
specified by the property.
poFormatMask OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.FormatMaskEnum
character A useable string of connection parameters.

PROTECTED CHARACTER GetConnectionString (JsonObject, character)

Purpose: Returns the Options as a formatted string for use by the server to connect.
This may be the the ABL CONNECT statement or some other parameter.
poOptions Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject
pcFormatMask CHARACTER
character A useable string of connection parameters.

Initialise ()

Purpose: Use this method for setting initial or default values, or other similar actions

PUBLIC ShadowConstructor (JsonObject, FormatMaskEnum)

Purpose: Shadow constructor for this class. Used instead of a real constructor since some transformations
have to happen before its called, and since a constructor must be invoked first via SUPER or THIS-OBJECT,
there's no room for those transformations.
poOptions Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject
poFormatMask OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.FormatMaskEnum

Constructor Detail

PROTECTED ConnectionParameters (character, FormatMaskEnum)

poFormatMask OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.FormatMaskEnum

PROTECTED ConnectionParameters (JsonObject, FormatMaskEnum)

poOptions Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject
poFormatMask OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.FormatMaskEnum

Property Detail

PROTECTED OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.FormatMaskEnum FormatMask

Purpose: The FormatMask property contains a mask to be used together with
the ABL SUBSTITUTE function. It can include up to 9 substitutions (&1-&9)
and should also include any key/value pair separators (space, usually).
Returns OpenEdge.Core.ServerConnection.FormatMaskEnum

Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject Options

Purpose: A set of options for a Server Connection
Returns Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject

CHARACTER ResolvedOptions

/* Resolved connection parameters. For use where the Options only need to
be resolved once.

10.27.2015 12:36:27