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Database Diagnostic Data Collection
Diagnostic startup parameters : Diagnostic events value (-diagEvent)

Diagnostic events value (-diagEvent)

Use Diagnostic events value (-diagEvent) to specify the database events to collect diagnostic data for.
Operating system and syntax
UNIX / Windows
-diagEvent event-string
Use with
Maximum value
Minimum value
Single-user default
Multi-user default
Database Server
A character string of comma-separated keywords, specifying triggering events and levels.
Valid triggering events are:
You must also specify the level of data collection by adding :n to the event. Valid values for n range from -15 to 15. See the table in Diagnostic event level (-diagEvtLevel) for a description of the levels.
In the following example, the lock table overflow event is specified with -15, and the bithold event is specified with 4, and syserror is set to 8.
-diagEvent locktable:-15,bithold:4,syserror:8
If you do not specify an event, it is set to the value specified by the -diagEvtLevel startup parameter. The -diagEvtLevel default is 0, if not specified; 0 indicates that data is not collected for the event.