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Progress Application Server for OpenEdge : Manage and monitor an instance : Use OEJMX to manage and monitor an instance : Write a custom OEJMX query to get agents
Write a custom OEJMX query to get agents
Use OEJMX with the -Q filepathname parameter to use a custom query file. A query file may have multiple queries. Each MBean query is a JSON string having MBean identifier and attribute or operation information. The query format is:
*O — ObjectName is a JsonObject
*M — Operation is a JsonArray
*A — Attribute is a JsonObject (optional)
In List available MBeans to locate AgentManager details, steps are provided to list the available beans. From that list, the operations and attributes for the AgentManager are identified. To collect information about the Agents, create a custom OEJMX query file using getAgents for the default oepas1 instance. To write a custom OEJMX query, complete these steps:
1. Create a new file containing the following query to access the AgentManager bean.
This provides threadpool and session manager information and which can be used to get thread and session information, status, and other metrics.The query getsAgents for the oepas1 instance.
Note: A query must be a single line containing no embedded spaces. A query file can contain multiple queries. The best practice is to use explicit names over tokens to guarantee the intended results. In this example, oepas1 replaces the APP_NAME token. For more information about using tokens, see OEJMX utility.
2. Save the file as getAgents.qry.
Next you can Get agent information.