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Progress Application Server for OpenEdge : Manage and monitor an instance : Use OEJMX to manage and monitor an instance : Get agent information
Get agent information
A running instance, created in 11.7.3 or higher must be available. Review Write a custom OEJMX query to get agents to get then available agent.
To get agent information, complete the following steps:
1. Change to the bin directory for the instance,instance/bin
2. Execute the query using oejmx -Q Filepath/getAgents.qry
The default output location is CATALINA_TEMP_DIR/queryname-out-yyMMdd-HHmm.txt
3. Review the output getAgents-outyyMMdd-HHmm.txt file to see the query response.
Notice the output shows the original query on line 1 and the results on the next.
Query: Line 1. Object: PASOE:type=OEManager,name=AgentManager, Method: getAgents(oepas1)
Result: {"getAgents":{"agents":[{"agentId":"QqnRYSLuRjqu0kneMNXAcw","pid":"16952","state":"AVAILABLE"}]}}
Note: Using oepas1 provides the agent pid, 16952 that can be used to gather session metrics.
For more details on the OEJMX utility, see the OEJMX utility.