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Progress Application Server for OpenEdge : Manage and monitor an instance : Use Swagger UI to explore management REST APIs

Use Swagger UI to explore management REST APIs

Beginning with 11.7.4, System Administrators can use Swagger UI to explore the underlying management APIs for a running PAS for OpenEdge instance. Part of the larger OpenAPI Initiative, Swagger UI is an open source tool that generates an intuitive web page to explore and test REST APIs. Details are pulled directly from the underlying annotations ensuring that the documentation is always current. Test capabilities allow real time access to the APIs. System Administrators can view metrics, identify deployed applications, stop agents and much more through this interactive documentation.
Access to Swagger UI is disabled by default to prevent unauthorized users from tampering with an instance. To enable Swagger UI and explore the available REST APIs, see the following topics:
*Enable Swagger UI for management REST API access
*Explore and test management REST APIs
* Enable Swagger UI for management REST API access
* Explore and test management REST APIs