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Progress Application Server for OpenEdge : Manage and monitor an instance : Use Swagger UI to explore management REST APIs : Explore and test management REST APIs
Explore and test management REST APIs
Access to Swagger UI is disabled by default. To enable this functionality, see Enable Swagger UI for management REST API access.
In this example, explore the SessionManager APIs and GET all the available applications for an instance. Based on the response, use the Agent Manager getAgent API to get the PID for the Agent currently running a named application. To explore and test a REST API, complete the following steps:
1. Enter http://host:port/oemanager/ in a browser to access interactive documentation.
a. Provide the appropriate login credentials when prompted.
2. Verify that oemanager is the selected Server.
3. Scroll to SessionManager and expand the list of available APIs.
4. Click on GET for the /applications - Get All Applications to expand the description based on the underlying annotations.
5. Click Try it out to supply request parameters and Execute the API to retrieve a list of available applications.
The response body is JSON formatted and the applicationName element provided details about the deployed applications, including which transports are enabled for the application and the version information.
6. Take note of the applicationName for use as the request body to find the Agent running the application.
7. Expand the Agent Manager section.
8. Click on the /applications/{appName}/agents Get Agents
9. Click Try It Out.
10. Enter the applicationName returned in the earlier step into the Parameters AppName field.
11. Click Execute.
The response returns a PID, for use with API requests.
For more information on managing PAS for OpenEdge instances see, Progress Application Server for OpenEdge: Administration Guide.