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OpenEdge 11.6.3 New Information : Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge : Choosing a service provider for a new Data Object Service : Publishing modules on PAS for OpenEdge
Publishing modules on PAS for OpenEdge
You can use the Servers view in the OpenEdge Server perspective to create a PAS for OpenEdge instance and publish the ABL Services to PAS for OpenEdge. The OpenEdge projects with the selected ABL AppServer facets, ABL services of the REST, Data Object (WebHandler), Data Object (REST RPC), or WebSpeed types are deployed on the ABL application publish directory of the selected PAS for OpenEdge.
You must associate ABL service module with a PAS for OpenEdge instance, and then publish the service. To publish the business logic present under AppServer, you must associate ABL AppServer content module with a PAS for OpenEdge instance.
Note: If the Automatically publish when resources change (default) option is selected, the server automatically tries to publish the changes after the specified publishing interval (which, by default, is set to 15 seconds).You can change this value using the Publishing interval control in the Server Editor, which is displayed by double-clicking the server. For more information on changing the publishing settings, see PAS Server Editor.
The ABL services are deployed using PASOEContent to build .WAR files. A single .WAR file is created for all Data Object and REST services in a project and gets deployed on basis of the project, for example if a project has ten services and a single .WAR file with the project name containing all the services gets deployed. If the project .WAR file exists, the services are published incrementally or else the entire .WAR file is published.
To publish an ABL Service:
1. In the Servers view, right-click a PAS for OpenEdge server instance that you want the ABL service to be deployed to, and select Add and Remove. The Add and Remove page opens.
2. Select an ABL AppServer content module and ABL services of WebSpeed, REST, or Data Object (WebHandler), Data Object (REST RPC) type from the Available section, and click Add to move it to the Configured section.
3. Click Finish. The web application is published as WebAppName.war to the webapps folder of the selected PAS for OpenEdge server instance. It is published to the default ROOT web application depending on what you have set in the project properties page.
If you deployed a WebSpeed service, the file in the pas Instance/conf path is updated with the WebSpeed services related handlers and URI information in the corresponding Web App section as in the example below:
handler1 = HandlerClass: /uri
handler2 = HandlerClass2: /uri2
Note: If you deployed a WebSpeed based Data Object service, the following artifacts related to the service are deployed to the PAS instance:
*Data Service Catalog called service.json in WEB-INFS/OpenEdge folder.
*Generated mapping file called service.gen in the static folder.
For more information on these files, see Generated files.
The file in the pas Instance/conf path is updated with the following entry under the webApps' WEB section:
handler1=OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.DataObjectHandler: /pdo/
DataObjectHandler is the new OpenEdge.Web.DataObject.DataObjectHandler available in the existing library in both source and r-code forms. This handler uses the above generated service.gen file, and translates a HTTP request into a call to a business entity.
If you undeploy a WebSpeed based Data Object service, the service.json and service.gen files are removed from the server.
If want to publish already associated module/service(s), do one of the following to publish:
*Select Publish from the context menu
*Select the Publish to the server icon on the Servers view toolbar
If all assigned or added modules on server are published successfully, then the Servers view displays the status of the server as Started, Synchronized, and the status of the server modules as Synchronized, Published.
If ABL AppServer modules are published to PAS for OpenEdge, the artifacts get deployed on the ABL application publish directory of the selected PAS for OpenEdge.
When REST services are published to PAS for OpenEdge, service.paar files are deployed to the server. When REST based Data Object Services are published, service.paar and service.json files are deployed to the server.
You can change the publish directory by changing the value in the Publish directory field in the Server launch configuration wizard startup tab, the default location is pas instance/openedge.