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OpenEdge 11.6.3 New Information : Data Object Services : New WebHandler service provider : Generated files
Generated files
The generated files for a Data Object Service created with the WebHandler service provider include a ServiceName.json Catalog file located in PASforOEInstance\webapps\WebApplicationName\static, exactly the same as for a REST RPC service provider. The only difference is in the Web transport specified in URIs for client apps to access resource operations. For more information, see URIs for accessing Data Object resources.
Also for WebHandler, an OpenEdge ServiceName.gen file is generated in PASforOEInstance\webapps\WebApplicationName\WEB-INF\openedge, instead of the ServiceName.paar file generated for REST RPC. This ServiceName.gen file is similar in function to the REST RPC ServiceName.paar file. However, ServiceName.gen is a readable JSON file containing the same mapping information required to map request and response messages to Data Object Service resource operations.