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OpenEdge 11.6.3 New Information : Data Object Services : New WebHandler service provider : URIs for accessing Data Object resources
URIs for accessing Data Object resources
In the chapter on "Data Object Services" in OpenEdge Development: Web Services, the topic on "Data Object URIs for testing resources from REST clients" describes the general URI format for client app access to Data Object resources and their operations as follows, with the relative URI for the Web transport shown in bold:
On PAS for OpenEdge, this URI format and its description applies specifically to Data Object Services created with the REST RPC service provider. For Data Object Services created with WebHandler, the general URI format for resource access is identical except for the relative URI for the Web transport shown here in bold:
Otherwise, the existing description for the remaining elements of this URI in OpenEdge Development: Web Services (for REST in the OpenEdge 11.6 documentation) also applies to the same URI elements for accessing Data Object Services defined with WebHandler.
Note: The PAS for OpenEdge Web transport reserves /web/pdo, and Progress Software recommends that you do not use the /web/pdo URI in your own application URL space.