Sonic Management API


Interface Summary
IEvent This is the base interface of all the events that can be used to notify the listener for any change in users and/or group information.
IEventDisconnected When the Management SPI gets disconnected with the underlying external security store, this event is used to notify the Sonic runtime about such fatalities.
IEventGroupsAdded This event is used to notify the Sonic runtime about groups added to the underlying external security store.
IEventGroupsDeleted This event is used to notify the Sonic runtime about groups deleted from the underlying external security store.
IEventGroupsModified This event is used to notify the Sonic runtime about groups modified in the underlying external security store.
IEventUsersAdded This event is used to notify the Sonic runtime about users added to the underlying external security store.
IEventUsersDeleted This event is used to notify the Sonic runtime about users deleted from the underlying external security store.
IEventUsersModified This event is used to notify the Sonic runtime about users modified in the underlying external security store.
IGroup This class defines an external group.
IManagement The Management SPI is used to retrieve the user and group from any third party security store.
INotificationListener This module is used by Sonic Directory Service to receive change notifications regarding any changes in data pertaining to user or group information located under the underlying external security store or domain.

Exception Summary
ConnectionException This exception is to be thrown by the implementer of Management SPI.
InvalidConfigurationException Management SPI configured in the Authentication Domain has attributes setting group box through which the attributes (name-value pair) are defined for the Management SPI.

Sonic Management API

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